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Re-identification (ReID) quality metrics

Since R2024a


    An reidentificationMetrics object stores ReID quality metrics, such as the cumulative matching characteristic (CMC) curve and mean average precision (mAP), for a set of images.


    Create an reidentificationMetrics object by using the evaluateReidentificationNetwork function.


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    This property is read-only.

    Metrics aggregated over the data set, stored as a table with one row. The DatasetMetrics property has columns corresponding to these evaluation metrics. These metrics are not in output table order.

    • AP — Average precision, stored as a numeric scalar. The average precision metric represents the accuracy of image search results for a query image.

    • mAP — Mean average precision (mAP), stored as a numeric scalar. The mAP is an average of the average precision AP in the same table across all corresponding queries.

    • CMC — Cumulative matching characteristic, stored as a numeric scalar.

    This property is read-only.

    Metrics for each class, stored as a table with C rows, where C is the number of object classes specified to the labelsargument of the evaluateReidentificationNetwork function. The ClassMetrics has columns corresponding to these evaluation metrics. These metrics are not in output table order.

    • AP — Average precision, stored as a numeric scalar. The average precision metric represents the accuracy of image search results for a query image.

    • mAP — Mean average precision (mAP), stored as a numeric scalar. The mAP is an average of the average precision AP in the same table across all corresponding queries.

    • CMC — Cumulative matching characteristic, stored as a numeric scalar.

    This property is read-only.

    Names of the object classes that the ReID network is trained to re-identify, stored as a cell array, categorical vector, or cell array of character vectors.

    Object Functions

    plotPlot re-identification (ReID) metrics

    Version History

    Introduced in R2024a