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NR CRC Encode and Decode Streaming Data

This example shows how to use the NR CRC Encoder and NR CRC Decoder Simulink® blocks and compare the hardware-optimized results with the results from the 5G Toolbox™ functions nrCRCEncode (5G Toolbox) and nrCRCDecode (5G Toolbox), respectively. These blocks support scalar and vector inputs. The NR CRC Encoder and NR CRC Decoder blocks support hardware code generation.

Generate Input Data

Generate random frames of input data and a control signal that indicates the frame boundaries. The frame gap accommodates the latency of the NR CRC Encoder block.

CRCType = 'CRC24A';
numFrames = 4;
scalar = true;                                                % true for scalar inputs and false vector inputs

parallel = false;                                             % true for parallel architecture and false for
                                                              % serial architecture
msg = {numFrames};
dataIn = [];
encStartIn = [];
encEndIn = [];
encValidIn = [];
[poly,crcLen] = NRCRCEncodeAndDecoderHDLInitScript(CRCType);
if parallel
    listN = divisors(crcLen);                                 % Factors of length of CRC polynomial
    dataWidth = randsrc(1,1,listN(2:end));
    dataWidth = 1;
frameGap = 120;                                               % Frame gap selected based on CRCType and dataWidth
for ii = 1:numFrames
    len = randsrc(1,1,1:1000);
    frameLen = len*dataWidth;
    msg{ii} = randi([0 1],1,frameLen);

    % Generate data based on the selected dataWidth
    if scalar
        data = reshape(msg{ii},dataWidth,len);
        encIn = zeros(1,size(data,2));
        for i = 1:size(data,2)
            encIn(i) = bit2int(data(:,i).',length(data(:,i))).'; %#ok<*SAGROW>
        dataIn  = fi([dataIn encIn zeros(size(encIn,1),frameGap)],0,dataWidth,0);
        encIn = reshape(msg{ii},dataWidth,len); %#ok<*UNRCH>
        dataIn = logical([dataIn encIn zeros(size(encIn,1),frameGap)]);

    encStartIn = logical([encStartIn 1 zeros(1,len-1) zeros(1,frameGap)]);
    encEndIn   = logical([encEndIn zeros(1,len-1) 1 zeros(1,frameGap)]);
    encValidIn = logical([encValidIn ones(1,len) zeros(1,frameGap)]);

encSampleIn = timeseries(dataIn');
sampleTime = 1;
simTime = length(encValidIn);

Run the Model

The HDLNRCRCEncodeDecode subsystem contains HDL NR CRC Encoder and HDL NR CRC Decoder subsystems that contain NR CRC Encoder and NR CRC Decoder blocks, respectively. Running the model imports the input signal variables encSampleIn, encStartIn, encEndIn, and encValidIn and exports variables encSampleOut and encCtrlOut to the MATLAB® workspace.

set_param('NRCRCEncodeAndDecodeHDLModel/HDLNRCRCEncodeDecode/HDL NR CRC Encoder/NR CRC Encoder','CRCType',CRCType);
set_param('NRCRCEncodeAndDecodeHDLModel/HDLNRCRCEncodeDecode/HDL NR CRC Decoder/NR CRC Decoder','CRCType',CRCType);
modelOut = sim('NRCRCEncodeAndDecodeHDLModel');

Verify Encoder Results

The HDL NR CRC Encoder subsystem contains the NR CRC Encoder block. Convert the streaming data output of the NR CRC Encoder block to frames, and then compare the output frames with the output of the nrCRCEncode 5G Toolbox function.

encOut = squeeze(modelOut.encSampleOut.Data);
startIdx = find(modelOut.encCtrlOut.start.Data);
endIdx = find(modelOut.encCtrlOut.end.Data);
encValidOut = squeeze(modelOut.encCtrlOut.valid.Data);
vector = ~scalar && parallel;

for ii = 1:numFrames
    refEncBits{ii} = nrCRCEncode(msg{ii}',poly);
    % Extract actual encoded bits from output
    idx = startIdx(ii):endIdx(ii);
    if (vector) % For vector inputs
        encBits = encOut(:,idx);
        encBits = encBits(:,encValidOut(idx));
        actEncBits{ii} = encBits(:);
        encBits = encOut(idx);
        encBits = encBits(encValidOut(idx));
        encBits = dec2bin(encBits,dataWidth)-'0';
        actEncBits{ii} = reshape(encBits',length(refEncBits{ii}),1);
    error = sum(abs(refEncBits{ii}-double(actEncBits{ii})));
    fprintf(['CRC-encoded frame %d: Behavioral and ' ...
        'HDL simulation differ by %d bits\n'],ii,error);
CRC-encoded frame 1: Behavioral and HDL simulation differ by 0 bits
CRC-encoded frame 2: Behavioral and HDL simulation differ by 0 bits
CRC-encoded frame 3: Behavioral and HDL simulation differ by 0 bits
CRC-encoded frame 4: Behavioral and HDL simulation differ by 0 bits

Verify Decoder Results

The HDL NR CRC Decoder subsystem contains the NR CRC Decoder block. The HDL NR CRC Encoder subsystem outputs are provided as an input to the HDL NR CRC Decoder subsystem. The HDL NR CRC Decoder subsystem exports a stream of decoded output samples decSampleOut and decErrOut along with a control signal decCtrlOut to the MATLAB workspace. Compare them with the output of the nrCRCDecode function.

dataOut = squeeze(modelOut.decSampleOut.Data);
errOut = squeeze(modelOut.decErrOut.Data);
startIdx = find(modelOut.decStartOut.Data);
endIdx = find(modelOut.decEndOut.Data);
validOut = squeeze(modelOut.decValidOut.Data);

for ii = 1:numFrames
    [refDecBits{ii},refErr{ii}] = nrCRCDecode(double(actEncBits{ii}),poly);
    % Extract actual decoded bits from output
    idx = startIdx(ii):endIdx(ii);
    if (vector) % For vector inputs
        dataOutTmp = dataOut(:,idx);
        validOutTmp = validOut(:,idx);
        decBits = dataOutTmp(:,validOutTmp);
        actDecBits{ii} = decBits(:);
        dataOutTmp = dataOut(idx);
        validOutTmp = validOut(idx);
        decBits = dataOutTmp(validOutTmp);
        decBits = dec2bin(decBits,dataWidth) - '0';
        actDecBits{ii} = reshape(decBits',length(refDecBits{ii}),1);
    actErr{ii} = errOut(endIdx(ii));
    error_data = sum(abs(refDecBits{ii} - double(actDecBits{ii})));
    error_err = double(refErr{ii}) - double(actErr{ii});
    fprintf(['CRC-decoded frame %d: Behavioral and ' ...
        'HDL simulation differ by %d bits and %d errors\n'],ii,error_data,error_err);
CRC-decoded frame 1: Behavioral and HDL simulation differ by 0 bits and 0 errors
CRC-decoded frame 2: Behavioral and HDL simulation differ by 0 bits and 0 errors
CRC-decoded frame 3: Behavioral and HDL simulation differ by 0 bits and 0 errors
CRC-decoded frame 4: Behavioral and HDL simulation differ by 0 bits and 0 errors

See Also



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