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How to get variable values from set of of input variable corresponding to the least RMSE of simulated and measured matrices

1 view (last 30 days)
I created a matrix with 50*6 values between 0 and 1.
% Definition of parameter range was done as follows: [min,max]=>(max-min)* rdlutp+min.
w1=(2.9-1)*w(:,1)+2; % N
w2=(90-1)*w(:,2)+1; % Cab
w3=(16-5)*w(:,3)+0.5; % Car
w4=(1-0.1)*w(:,4)+0.1; % Cbrown
w5=(0.044-0.004)*w(:,5)+0.004; % Cw
w6=(0.055-0.0005)*w(:,6)+0.0005; %Cm
From this I calculated simulated data. The RMSE of simulated matrix(20 by 6) and measured data(10 by 6) was calculated by looping as follows:
for i = 1:20 %size(reflect_measured)
for j = 1:50 %size(reflect_simulated)
RMSE(i,j)=sqrt(mean(((reflect_measured(i) - reflect_simulated(j)).^2)));
So how do I get variable values from set of input variable corresponding to the least RMSE between simulated and measured matrices

Answers (1)

Image Analyst
Image Analyst on 1 Nov 2013
leastRMSE = min(RMSE(:)); % Find the minimum RMSE value.
  1 Comment
Cecilia Masemola
Cecilia Masemola on 3 Nov 2013
Thank you, But I will also like to know the following: How do I get variable values from set of input variable corresponding to the least RMSE?.
Your assistance would be much appreciated

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