solving a set of first order differential equations in simulink
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I wish there is a way, maybe a block or something, to simulate a set of first order differential equations of any form (not restricted to be linear) easily. You know how difficult it is to build the system using basic blocks particularly when it is a high order nonlinear one. I got a clue on the Web. Is there a block called dee (differential equation editor)? I couldn't find anything about that in my Matlab 2012b help documentation or in the simulink library. Maybe it has been added in later versions, Huh?
Answers (2)
Mischa Kim
on 20 Jan 2014
Hello Pouya, there is a way: use an embedded MATLAB function to define the differential equations, say Xdot = f(X), where X is the state vector. Then use an integrator block to compute X . Initial conditions can be defined either externally or internally (to the integrator block).

Mischa Kim
on 20 Jan 2014
Edited: Mischa Kim
on 20 Jan 2014
Yes, I am familiar with the dee tool (simply type dee at the MATLAB command prompt, if you have it installed). I still recommend the general approach shown above because it gives you much more flexibility setting up the problem.
Yugal Maheshwari
on 23 Dec 2018
How to set intial condtion Y(1)=1 in Simulink for ODE?
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