Restore data from curve fitting session
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Hey There, I've analyzed a lot of data, fitted a bunch of stuff to it, then saved my curve fitting session. I haven't saved the original data :(
Now when i open the curve fitting session everything is there, but I've found no way to extract my original data, I assume it should be possible, but I can't find out how, can anyone help?
What I really want to do is use the curve fitting "Generate Code" to play around with the figures to make them ready for an article I'm writing, but the "Generate Code" does not save the data itself and it requires it as an input.
Star Strider
on 1 Mar 2014
I don’t have the Curve Fitting Toolbox (redundant with Statistics and Optimization TBs) so I don’t know what it does, but if you saved a scatterplot of your data as a MATLAB figure, your data may still be there. See the core MATLAB documentation for details.
Otherwise, I can only offer you my sympathies.
Accepted Answer
Matt J
on 1 Mar 2014
I can save it as figures as well, can you point me to the relevant documentation?
Do you mean all of the data you want to recover is viewable in a plot? If so, just find the children of the plot axes that are line objects
and then extract their XData and YData, e.g.,
Matt J
on 2 Mar 2014
Is it possible to do it to the curve fitting object directly? without plotting it?
If there is a way to extract the original xdata and ydata from the fit object, the online documentation hides it well.
I conjecture that the ydata is not even saved inside the object, only the xdata, needed for default plotting.
More Answers (1)
Star Strider
on 1 Mar 2014
Edited: Star Strider
on 1 Mar 2014
I looked through the Curve Fitting Toolbox online documentation and found prepareCurveData. That may actually be what you want. I can’t experiment with it, but it may allow you to export your data from the Curve Fitting Toolbox to save in a separate file.
For the MATLAB figure file documentation, see savefig, and ‘Tips’ near the end of the page for opening it again. (This is a core MATLAB function.)
I definitely wish you luck!
Star Strider
on 1 Mar 2014
I consider this urgent enough to suggest you contact Support. I don’t have the Curve Fitting Toolbox, so I can’t experiment with solutions. I jumped in because I want to be sure you don’t lose your data. As long as your data are safe inside your project, you can probably still recover them.
Please, next time, save your data to a ‘.txt’ or spreadsheet file first!
See Also
Find more on Get Started with Curve Fitting Toolbox in Help Center and File Exchange
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