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How does tilde remove NaN's from dataset?

1 view (last 30 days)
Given a C = m x n matrix of 1's and 0's, and a data set B = r x s with NaN's mixed in with numeric data, how do I use the tilde to remove the NaN's? I have seen this in an example:
A=B(~C,:); and it worked in the example.
I cannot recreate it in a different problem. I also cannot find any explanation in any Mathworks information that explains it.

Accepted Answer

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 3 Mar 2014
You are not applying ~ to the NaNs, you are applying ~ to the matrix of 0 and 1. ~ is logical negation, so all the places in C that were 0 become "true" (1) and all the places in C that were anything else become "false" (0). That matrix of true and false is then used "logical indexing". You can read about that Steve's Blog
  1 Comment
Ralph on 3 Mar 2014
Thank you for responding, Walter. I think that may clear up my confusion.

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More Answers (1)

Rick Rosson
Rick Rosson on 3 Mar 2014
Is this what you are trying to do?
C = isnan(B);
A = B(~C);
  1 Comment
Ralph on 3 Mar 2014
Hi, Rick. I think the other response I received may explain my confusion on using tilde. Thank you for responding.

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