how to remove multiple string line from ascii data file

2 views (last 30 days)
I have model output in ascii format which contains multiple strings that i want to remove. here I paste some of data with string lines.
194397 479 23:50:00 3.287000E-03 1.824640E+04 1.824640E+04 1.333954E+16
194398 479 23:53:20 3.287000E-03 1.824640E+04 1.824640E+04 1.333954E+16
194399 479 23:56:40 3.287000E-03 1.824640E+04 1.824640E+04 1.333954E+16
194400 480 00:00:00 3.287000E-03 1.824640E+04 1.824640E+04 1.333954E+16
DEF_HIS - creating history file: output/rmed16_grd_e/GLS/
DEF_AVG - creating average file: output/rmed16_grd_e/GLS/
WRT_AVG - wrote averaged fields into time record = 0000001
DEF_DIAGS - creating diagnostics file: /output/rmed16_grd_e/GLS/
194401 480 00:03:20 3.286999E-03 1.824640E+04 1.824640E+04 1.333954E+16
194402 480 00:06:40 3.286997E-03 1.824640E+04 1.824640E+04 1.333954E+16
194403 480 00:10:00 3.286996E-03 1.824640E+04 1.824640E+04 1.333954E+16
194404 480 00:13:20 3.286994E-03 1.824640E+04 1.824640E+04 1.333954E+16
so please tell me how can do it.

Answers (1)

Jan on 20 Jul 2011
FID = fopen(FileName, 'r');
C = textscan(FID, '%s', 'Delimiter', '\n');
S = C{1};
[dummy, index] = sort(S);
keep = false(1, numel(S));
keep(index) = true;
UniqueS = S(keep);
The variable dummy contains the sorted list of unique lines. But more likely you want the list in the original order.


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