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[SOLVED] How to read data file from a specific line ?

36 views (last 30 days)
Hi all,
simple problem :
  1. I got a data file in which 10 first lines are characters.
  2. Then, from the line 11, there are only floats.
  3. How can I read from the line 11 until the end of the file ?
Thanks for all !

Accepted Answer

Salaheddin Hosseinzadeh
Salaheddin Hosseinzadeh on 12 Mar 2014
Hi buddy
It's dead easy, I'm copy pasting part of a code I wrote to manipulate text files in which I read the text file line by line. anytime you us
fid1=fopen('D:\Dale Jr.PLR','r'); % This opens a file
fid2=fopen('F:\NEW_Dale Jr.PLR','r');
while(ischar(l1)||ischar(l2)); % this continues until the end of file
l1=fgetl(fid1); % anytime you use fgetl you read a line and next time you use it reads next
Ok in this program I checked the content of 2 files, wanted to make sure if they are the same. Ignore the program, what's important is to use fgetl ,I include some comment for you in the code, just wanna emphasis that first time you use fgetl, it reads the first line, next time you use it it will read the second line, so you don't have to have a counter for the lines, unless you want to save the lines like I did and I assigned a variable and a counter for the variable to save all the lines. Refer to MATLAB product help for more examples and information.
Good Luck!
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 22 Jan 2021
For earlier releases,
LINES = regexp(fileread(FILENAME_GOES_HERE), '\r?\n', 'split');
if isempty(LINES{end}); LINES(end) = []; end %end of file correction
KAE on 13 Jan 2023
@Walter Roberson - Can't vote up your readlines suggestion, but very helpful to learn about this.

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More Answers (2)

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 12 Mar 2014
See textscan with a HeaderLines parameter of 10
Note: you cannot use csvread() or dlmread() for this purpose.

Mireia Fontanet
Mireia Fontanet on 28 Dec 2017
I have to txt files, one is called variables.txt and the other one is called I want to replaced the first line of variables.txt file with the second line of How can I do it?

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