Need to return a column vector?

1 view (last 30 days)
Andrew Davies
Andrew Davies on 19 May 2014
Answered: Image Analyst on 19 May 2014
function dLdt = Lorentz(t,xyz)
s = 10;
b = 8/3;
r = 0.5;
dx = s*(y - x)
dy = r*x - y - x*z
dz = x*y - b*z
dLdt = zeros(3,2,1);
I then tried calling this in another script and it said it needs to return a column vector?

Answers (1)

Image Analyst
Image Analyst on 19 May 2014
Then, I assume xyz is a M by 3 array of coordinates, so you need to do
x = xyz(:,1);
y = xyz(:,2);
z = xyz(:,3);

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