recognition code using PCA

1 view (last 30 days)
reema on 25 May 2014
Edited: rohith reddy on 2 Nov 2016
I am working on the feature based face detection and recognition project. I want to complete the detection phase. I detect the face on the basis of skin color. Now I want to recognize this using PCA. I want code for recognizing the face using PCA. How can I do it?

Accepted Answer

reema on 31 May 2014
I am working on the feature based face detection and recognition project. I want to complete the detection phase. I detect the face on the basis of skin color. Now I want to recognize this using PCA. I want code for recognizing the face using PCA. How can I do it?
reema on 7 Oct 2014
check your mail
rohith reddy
rohith reddy on 2 Nov 2016
Edited: rohith reddy on 2 Nov 2016
hlo reema,can u please send me the CODE for matlab and test dataset.

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More Answers (1)

parvez delwar
parvez delwar on 2 Sep 2016
Please give me the full code of face recognition using pca/lda at thanks in advance.


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