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How to display the contents of a file in matlab GUI 2007b?

1 view (last 30 days)
I have a .m file from where I want to display the contents of the structure aviinfo() to a GUI? Can anybody help? As far as I know as a newbie the figure component can be invoked from the file like : br
if true
% figure,
% contents of figure
So from here how can I fetch the data of aviinfo() to a figure gui?

Answers (1)

Dishant Arora
Dishant Arora on 17 Jun 2014
Here's a prototype:
imageInfo = imfinfo('pout.tif');
str = evalc('display(imageInfo)');
% Create a figure with static text
h = uicontrol('Style' , 'text' , 'Units' , 'Normalized'...
, 'Position' , [0.1 , 0.1 , 0.8 , 0.8]);
set(h , 'string' , str)


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