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Loading mat files in matlab created from octave

95 views (last 30 days)
I have this .mat file created from octave, which contains structures. When I wanted to load the mat files from matlab, it shows an error. How to load these files?
>> y = load('murikhao.mat')
Error using load
Unable to read MAT-file murikhao.mat: not a binary MAT-file.
Try LOAD -ASCII to read as text.
adding '-ascii' parameter didnt help.

Accepted Answer

Robert on 30 Nov 2014
Really late reply, but I came across this issue today and wanted to post the solution. Try using the option -mat7-binary in your octave save command.
save -mat7-binary 'filename' 'var1' 'var2'
I'm using R2014a on my osx host and octave 3.8.1 on a linux vm.
Juan Martin Farias
Juan Martin Farias on 5 Jan 2023
This worked perfectly for me too. I am using R2021b in Windows 10
Gordon Fox
Gordon Fox on 6 Jan 2023
Fixed the problem for me too! I'm using R2020a.

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More Answers (2)

James Tursa
James Tursa on 3 Jul 2014
If MATLAB can't load it, then I would guess that it was not written properly in Octave. Double check the way Octave is writing this file.
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 20 Oct 2018
Moved: Rik on 5 Jan 2023
Load the file in octave, save it in MATLAB binary format.
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 20 Oct 2018
Moved: Rik on 5 Jan 2023
Built-in Variable: default_save_format
This variable specifies the default format for the save command. It should have one of the following values: "ascii", "binary", float-binary, or "mat-binary". The initial default save format is Octave's text format.

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kkyaj on 20 Oct 2018
Edited: kkyaj on 20 Oct 2018
The default_save_format in octave is a nice feature which I did know existed. Thanks, Walter. That is helpful.
I believe that we agree the solution to "how can i load octave *.mat files not written in mat-binary format into matlab?" is that matlab will not do this natively.
One needs to externally load/resave using octave (with '-mat7-binary' flag) or scipy (with io.loadmat, io.savemat), which is to say that there is no matlab solution to this.
  1 Comment
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 22 Oct 2018
It is possible that someone has written code to import octave save format into MATLAB, but that functionality is not built into MATLAB.

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