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Creating an array of given size and increment

1,519 views (last 30 days)
This seems like a stupid question from someone with 8 years Matlab experience, but either I'm having a brain fade moment or there is no neat shortcut syntax to this.
I simply want to create an array with a known start, increment and number of elements.
Obviously if I have start, increment, end I can use the colon operator and if I have start, number of elements and end I can use linspace.
But is there really nothing neater than having to do the maths to work out the end point then use one of the above options? I'd rather just let the max be whatever it happens to be.
Calculating an explicit max in order to create a matrix with an implicit increment (using linspace) that should match exactly the increment I used to calculate the max seems very un-Matlab-like.
Efrem Ayichew
Efrem Ayichew on 27 Jun 2019
%0 to 200 in 10 increment
countInTen = linspace(0,20,21)*10 ;
Steven Lord
Steven Lord on 27 Jun 2019
A simpler way to count from 0 to 200 in increments of 10 is:
countByTens = 0:10:200;
In the original question, the user knew the starting point (0) and the increment (10) but couldn't use the colon operator because they knew how many fence rails they wanted to use (20 rails) or how many posts they wanted (21) rather than where they wanted their fence to end (200.)

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Accepted Answer

Rick Rosson
Rick Rosson on 19 Aug 2014
How about the following?
xStart = 5;
dx = 0.001;
N = 2000;
x = xStart + (0:N-1)*dx;
Is that what you are looking for?
Adam on 7 Sep 2018
What do you mean by 'roll over'? something like this?
xStart = 5;
dx = 1.5;
N = 2000;
x = mod( xStart + (0:N-1)*dx, 1024 );
Andrew Baker
Andrew Baker on 7 Sep 2018
Yes, I was using mod, but obviously in the wrong places, thanks for your help. I think I understand a little more how it's working now aswell.

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More Answers (1)

Miysaa s
Miysaa s on 27 Nov 2018


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