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different color for different region of image

2 views (last 30 days)
Hi I have an image, I wonder how to assign different color for different region in the image? For example how can I choose one colormap for blue rectangle and one colormap for green rectangle and the rest of figure uses different colormap.

Accepted Answer

Image Analyst
Image Analyst on 31 Aug 2014
That's precisely what my demo does. It's attached below the image. I have a freehand region version (also attached) if you're interested.
chess on 1 Sep 2014
Edited: chess on 1 Sep 2014
Another problem I have is when I do it for one part using imfreehand how can I hold an image to do it for another region because if I redo the script again it will overwrite the previous one?
Image Analyst
Image Analyst on 1 Sep 2014
Well don't run that part of the script again - the part that reads in the original image. Just run the part that asks for the region and colorizes it. Put it in a for or while loop if you want.

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