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Error in publishing matlab code

5 views (last 30 days)
Ashray Malhotra
Ashray Malhotra on 2 Oct 2014
Commented: Stephen23 on 3 Oct 2014
When I try to publish my matlab script, I receive this error code
Caught "std::exception" Exception message is:
BLAS loading error:
dlopen: cannot load any more object with static TLS
Error using open (line 68)
NAME must contain a single string.
I have never had any problems in publishing before and am not able to find the source of this error. Please help.
  1 Comment
Stephen23 on 3 Oct 2014
Please don't double post. Just edit the question, or add comments as required.
Multiple posts of the same question make it difficult for other readers to keep track of what answers you are getting, and your feedback too.

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Answers (1)

Sean de Wolski
Sean de Wolski on 2 Oct 2014
which -all size
It sounds like you've written your own size function which is shadowing MATLAB's. The above will reveal it. If you rename it I expect the error to go away.
Ashray Malhotra
Ashray Malhotra on 2 Oct 2014
This is the values that are returned your above command. I cant recollect me adding any 'size' function of mine.
built-in (/home/ashraymalhotra/Matlab2014/toolbox/matlab/elmat/size)
size is a Java method % java.util.ArrayList method
size is a Java method % java.util.AbstractList method
size is a Java method % java.util.AbstractCollection method
size is a Java method % java.util.Collection method
size is a Java method % java.util.List method
size is a Java method % com.mathworks.mlwidgets.workspace.WhosInformation method
size is a Java method % com.mathworks.mde.array.ArrayEditor method
size is a Java method % com.mathworks.mde.desk.PlotableClientBase method
size is a Java method % com.mathworks.widgets.desk.DTClientBase method
size is a Java method % com.mathworks.mwswing.MJPanel method
size is a Java method % javax.swing.JPanel method
size is a Java method % javax.swing.JComponent method
size is a Java method % java.awt.Container method
size is a Java method % java.awt.Component method
size is a built-in method % containers.Map method
size is a Java method % com.mathworks.hg.peer.FigureAxisComponentProxy$_AxisCanvas method
size is a Java method % com.mathworks.hg.peer.AxisCanvas method
size is a Java method % java.awt.Canvas method
size is a built-in method %$_AxisCanvas method
size is a Java method % com.mathworks.mde.profiler.Profiler method
size is a Java method % com.mathworks.mwswing.MJFrame method
size is a Java method % javax.swing.JFrame method
size is a Java method % java.awt.Frame method
size is a Java method % java.awt.Window method
size is a Java method % com.mathworks.mde.webbrowser.WebBrowser method
/home/ashraymalhotra/Matlab2014/toolbox/matlab/datatypes/@table/size.m % table method
/home/ashraymalhotra/Matlab2014/toolbox/matlab/datatypes/@categorical/size.m % categorical method
/home/ashraymalhotra/Matlab2014/toolbox/matlab/iofun/@timer/size.m % timer method
/home/ashraymalhotra/Matlab2014/toolbox/matlab/iofun/@serial/size.m % serial method
/home/ashraymalhotra/Matlab2014/toolbox/matlab/polyfun/@triangulation/size.m % triangulation method
/home/ashraymalhotra/Matlab2014/toolbox/matlab/polyfun/@TriRep/size.m % TriRep method
/home/ashraymalhotra/Matlab2014/toolbox/matlab/timeseries/@tscollection/size.m % tscollection method
/home/ashraymalhotra/Matlab2014/toolbox/shared/statslib/@dataset/size.m % dataset method
Sean de Wolski
Sean de Wolski on 2 Oct 2014
In that case, put a break point on line 67 of load()
dbstop in load at 67
Run publish, it'll stop and inspect what's going on. Why is name not a single string...?

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