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how to change matlab answers type?

5 views (last 30 days)
i have a problem with matlab answers always shows answers like this
(200*6151^(1/2))/3 - 14200/3
how can i fix that?i mean is there a setting or code for it?i tried double but it also show it like 4.952207476509866e+02 i want the answer like this 495.22

Accepted Answer

Image Analyst
Image Analyst on 29 Dec 2021
format longG
% or
format shortG

More Answers (1)

KSSV on 29 Dec 2021
Edited: KSSV on 29 Dec 2021
Steven Lord
Steven Lord on 29 Dec 2021
The format function will work once the symbolic answer has been converted to double precision using double, but you could use vpa instead (especially if the symbolic answer cannot be converted to double because it includes a symbolic variable.)
y = (200*sym(6151)^(1/2))/3 - sym(14200)/3
y = 
d = double(y)
d = 495.2207
format long
d =
vpa(y, 6)
ans = 

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