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Find closest divisor of a number

27 views (last 30 days)
I have a vector of 65536 elements that I want to divide into n columns. I have found the optimal n that I need in order to perform further calculations, but it is not a divisor of 65536. How can I round it up to the closest divisor that is also an integer (since i'll be using a reshape function)?
This is the code i'm using up to now:

Accepted Answer

John D'Errico
John D'Errico on 7 Jan 2022
Edited: John D'Errico on 7 Jan 2022
Simple enough. I wrote an alldivisors code many years ago...
vlen = 65536;
div_vlen = alldivisors(vlen)
div_vlen = 1×17
1 2 4 8 16 32 64 128 256 512 1024 2048 4096 8192 16384 32768 65536
Now, suppose that you have chosen n as 50. You just need to find the smallest divisor in that set that is at least as large as n.
n = 50;
N = div_vlen(find(div_vlen >= n,1,'first'))
N = 64
As I said, simple enough. The alldivisors code is given here:
function divs = alldivisors(N)
% compute the set of all integer divisors of the positive integer N
% first, get the list of prime factors of N.
facs = factor(N);
divs = [1,facs(1)];
for fi = facs(2:end)
% if N is prime, then facs had only one element,
% and this loop will not execute at all
% this outer product will generate all combinations of
% the divisors found so far, and the current divisor
divs = [1;fi]*divs;
% unique eliminates the replicate divisors
divs = unique(divs(:)');
DANIELE PASINI on 7 Jan 2022
Thank you very much, this works perfectly
David Huynh
David Huynh on 21 Dec 2022
Just as a heads up, the function divisors() was introduced in MATLAB R2014b.
Also, in terms of speed (which I realize may not matter much here), it works well just to search for the nearest divisor incrementally:
n = 65536;
m = 50;
d = roundUpNearestDivisor(n,m)
d = 64
fprintf('Increment method: %f ms\n',timeit(@() roundUpNearestDivisor(n,m))*1e3)
Increment method: 0.047790 ms
fprintf('Brute force method: %f ms\n',timeit(@() roundUpNearestDivisor(n,m,'brute'))*1e3)
Brute force method: 13.670790 ms
function d = roundUpNearestDivisor(n,m,opt)
%ROUNDUPNEARESTDIVISOR Finds the smallest divisor of n greater than or equal to m
if nargin < 3 || isempty(opt)
opt = 'increment';
if mod(n,m) == 0
% if m is divisor of n, return m
d = m;
elseif isprime(n)
% if n is prime, divisors = [1,n], thus round m up to n
d = n;
switch opt
case 'increment'
%% search next divisor larger than m
ii = 1;
while true
if mod(n,m+ii) == 0
d = m + ii;
ii = ii + 1;
case 'brute'
%% brute force option
D = divisors(n);
idx = find(D >= m,1);
d = D(idx);

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More Answers (1)

Arran Sykes
Arran Sykes on 27 Jan 2023
Edited: Arran Sykes on 27 Jan 2023
I had a similar problem.. There's an alternative way in this specific case if you like to make your code as compact as possible. Though there may be an even better solution if someone really wanted it.
All of your divisors are going to be powers of 2. So, any number of columns is going to be . That is 2 to the power of the ceiling of log_2 (n_desired). If you want to go down then you can take the floor.
With n_desired being the number of columns you are looking for and n being the rounded up number of columns.
You can then find the divisor by doing: with d being your divisor. Again, note this only works explicitly for powers of 2.
In code this is:
n_des = 50; %number of columns you would like
m = 65536;
n = 2^(ceil(log2(n_des)))
n = 64
d = m/n
d = 1024
function d = nearestDivisor(n_des,m)
n = 2^(ceil(log2(n_des))); % number of columns you actually need - use floor() to round down
d = m/n; % divisor


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