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Transfer function error ' The values of the "num" and "den" properties must be row vectors or cell arrays of row vectors,'

2 views (last 30 days)
I am a beginner in Matlab. I would like to ask a question regarding PID controller. I tried to type in for the below controller(as per image) but I am encountering an error which is ??? Error using ==> at 239 The values of the "num" and "den" properties must be row vectors or cell arrays of row vectors, where each vector is nonempty and containing numeric data. Type "ltiprops tf" for more information.
Error in ==> Untitled4 at 7 G=tf(Gnum,Gden);
Please help on which part I did wrong. Thank you very much.
Best Regards, Phyo

Answers (1)

Arkadiy Turevskiy
Arkadiy Turevskiy on 26 Nov 2014
Can you paste your MATLAB code that is not working? Is the issue related to you using pid function in 2009a release, like your other question suggests?

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