Creating a submatrix from a matrix
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on 4 Dec 2014
Commented: Gabriele Bunkheila
on 3 Dec 2024
I want a code to create a matrix which consist of rows and columns of another matrix.
i.e. A (4X4) = [ 1 2 3 4; 5 6 7 8; 1 3 5 7; 2 4 6 8; ]
The submatrix B consist of the { 1, 2, 4 }rows of A and the { 2,3 }columns of A:
Β (3Χ2) = [ 2 3; 6 7; 4 6; ]
Any help could be useful.
Thanks in advance!
1 Comment
said mohamed
on 5 May 2021
Using the matrix A = [5 1 11; 7 13 3; 8 5 2], the matrix B is constructed as B = [A A A; A A A; A A A]. Which of the following is the result of the operation K = L * J, made using the submatrices of matrix B, L = B (1: 3,3: 5) and J = B (2: 4,2: 3)?
Accepted Answer
Azzi Abdelmalek
on 4 Dec 2014
Edited: Azzi Abdelmalek
on 4 Dec 2014
A= [ 1 2 3 4; 5 6 7 8; 1 3 5 7; 2 4 6 8; ]
B=A([1 2 4],[2 3])
said mohamed
on 5 May 2021
Using the matrix A = [5 1 11; 7 13 3; 8 5 2], the matrix B is constructed as B = [A A A; A A A; A A A]. Which of the following is the result of the operation K = L * J, made using the submatrices of matrix B, L = B (1: 3,3: 5) and J = B (2: 4,2: 3)?
More Answers (1)
on 20 Aug 2021
A = rand(4,3);
% Get those elements of A that are located in rows 3 to 4 and
% column 2 to 3.
sub_matrix = A(3:4,2:3);
Gabriele Bunkheila
on 3 Dec 2024
Please note:
- With matrices, the first dimesion is always the number of row, the second is the number of columns. So in this case A is 5x5 (size(A) would return [5,5]) and A4 is 4x2 (size(A4) would return [4,2]).
- A4 here seems composed of two "stacked" (or vertically concatenated) 2x2 sub-matrices of A
A possible way to obtain A4 from A is the following;
A = [1:5; 0.5*(-10:-6); 0.1*0:4; 10:-1:6; 2*(1:5)]
rows1 = [1, 2];
cols1 = [1, 2];
rows2 = [3, 4];
cols2 = [3, 4];
A4 = [A(rows1, cols1); A(rows2, cols2)]
@Ioannis Aggelos I hope this helps.
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