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Error while evaluating Menu Callback ERPLAB

5 views (last 30 days)
I have a problem with EEGLAB plugin, im trying to make scalp map using ERPLAB and thats the error MATLAB is giving to me:
Error in pop_scalplot (line 378)
[ERP, erpcom] = pop_scalplot(ERP, binArray, latencyArray, 'Value',
measurestr, 'Blc', baseline, 'Maplimit', maplimit, 'Colorbar',
Error while evaluating Menu Callback.
Problem appeared when i tried to add latest version of ERPLAB to EEGLAB plugins, when i saw problem i deleted new version and restored to initial state.
I tried writing the command pop_scalplot myself, but it didnt work as well. Please send some help :(

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