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Interpolation (interp2 help)

23 views (last 30 days)
Brent Majcher
Brent Majcher on 28 Feb 2022
Commented: Brent Majcher on 1 Mar 2022
Hey all,
Wondering if theres anyone who can help me with the interp2 function.
I have two (2) CSV files with surface coordinates that I am importing (X, Y, Z). The two data sets have coordinates that are of different densities (pts per meter square).
I want to compare the data in the Z axis, and therefore I need to generate a 'smoothened' grid that has coordinates regenerated at fixed X Y values that are defined between both sets, and I would like to use interp2 to generate this data to keep things statistically meaningful.
I have attached two screenshots, one showing the variable definitions and the code run that produces the highlighted error.
Any help would be hugely appreciated.
A = interp2(sX(:,1),sX(:,2),sX(:,3),sDt(1,:),sD(:,2),'cubic')

Accepted Answer

John D'Errico
John D'Errico on 28 Feb 2022
Interp2 does NOT apply to scattered data. You chose the wrong interpolation tool. You MAY be able to use
help scatteredInterpolant
scatteredInterpolant Scattered data interpolation scatteredInterpolant performs interpolation on scattered data that resides in 2-D or 3-D space. A scattered data set is defined by sample points X and corresponding values v. A scatteredInterpolant object F represents a surface of the form v = F(X). Interpolated values vq at query points Xq are obtained by evaluating the interpolant, vq = F(Xq). F = scatteredInterpolant creates an empty scattered data interpolant. F = scatteredInterpolant(X,v) creates an interpolant that fits a surface of the form v = F(X) to the sample data set (X,v). The sample points X must have size NPTS-by-2 in 2-D or NPTS-by-3 in 3-D, where NPTS is the number of points. Each row of X contains the coordinates of one sample point. The values v must be a column vector of length NPTS. F = scatteredInterpolant(x,y,v) and F = scatteredInterpolant(x,y,z,v) also allow the sample point locations to be specified in alternative column vector format when working in 2-D and 3-D. F = scatteredInterpolant(...,METHOD) specifies the method used to interpolate the data. METHOD must be one of the following: 'linear' - (default) Linear interpolation 'nearest' - Nearest neighbor interpolation 'natural' - Natural neighbor interpolation The 'natural' method is C1 continuous except at the sample points. The 'linear' method is C0 continuous. The 'nearest' method is discontinuous. F = scatteredInterpolant(...,METHOD,EXTRAPOLATIONMETHOD) also specifies the extrapolation method used for query points outside the convex hull. EXTRAPOLATIONMETHOD must be one of the following: 'linear' - (default if METHOD is 'linear' or 'natural') Linear extrapolation based on boundary gradients 'nearest' - (default if METHOD is 'nearest') Evaluates to the value of the nearest neighbor on the convex hull boundary 'none' - Queries outside the convex hull return NaN Example: % Construct a scatteredInterpolant F from locations x,y and values v t = linspace(3/4*pi,2*pi,50)'; x = [3*cos(t); 2*cos(t); 0.7*cos(t)]; y = [3*sin(t); 2*sin(t); 0.7*sin(t)]; v = repelem([-0.5; 1.5; 2],length(t)); F = scatteredInterpolant(x,y,v) % Evaluate F at query locations xq,yq to obtain interpolated values vq tq = linspace(3/4*pi+0.2,2*pi-0.2,40)'; xq = [2.8*cos(tq); 1.7*cos(tq); cos(tq)]; yq = [2.8*sin(tq); 1.7*sin(tq); sin(tq)]; vq = F(xq,yq); % Plot the sample data (x,y,v) and interpolated query data (xq,yq,vq) plot3(x,y,v,'.',xq,yq,vq,'.'), grid on title('Linear Interpolation') xlabel('x'), ylabel('y'), zlabel('Values') legend('sample data','interpolated query data','Location','best') % Change the interpolation method from 'linear' to 'nearest' F.Method = 'nearest' % Perform nearest neighbor interpolation and plot the result vq = F(xq,yq); figure plot3(x,y,v,'.',xq,yq,vq,'.'), grid on title('Nearest Interpolation') xlabel('x'), ylabel('y'), zlabel('Values') legend('sample data','interpolated query data','Location','best') scatteredInterpolant properties: Points - Locations of the scattered sample points Values - Values associated with each sample point Method - Method used to interpolate at query points ExtrapolationMethod - Extrapolation method used outside the convex hull scatteredInterpolant methods: vq = F(Xq) evaluates the scatteredInterpolant F at scattered query points Xq and returns a column vector of interpolated values vq. Each row of Xq contains the coordinates of one query point. vq = F(xq,yq) and vq = F(xq,yq,zq) also allow the scattered query points to be specified as column vectors of coordinates. Vq = F(Xq,Yq) and Vq = F(Xq,Yq,Zq) evaluates F at gridded query points specified in full grid format as 2-D and 3-D arrays created from grid vectors using [Xq,Yq,Zq] = NDGRID(xqg,yqg,zqg). Vq = F({xqg,yqg}) and Vq = F({xqg,yqg,zqg}) also allow a grid of query points to be specified in compact form as grid vectors. Use this syntax to conserve memory when the query points form a large grid. Vq has the same size as the grid: LENGTH(xqg)-by-LENGTH(yqg) or LENGTH(xqg)-by-LENGTH(yqg)-by-LENGTH(zqg). See also griddedInterpolant, griddata, delaunayTriangulation Documentation for scatteredInterpolant doc scatteredInterpolant
Since I don't see youe actual data, I cannot be sure of what you are doing. However, I should point out that an interpolant does not necessarily maintain any statistical properties of your data.
Brent Majcher
Brent Majcher on 1 Mar 2022
Thanks so much, owe ya a beer
Brent Majcher
Brent Majcher on 1 Mar 2022
Out of curiosity, are there functions that pre exist or toolboxes I can utilize that are similar to scatteredInterpolant that will make this data more statistically relevant? I understand this function interpolates between data points in a more or less linear fashion, and this may not take into account "static" or errors that might occur at singular points.
Can I 'smoothen' the data prior to or perhaps during my script first?

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