Different error calculation between Finite Element Method's numerical solution and exact solution
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I am comparing the exact and numerical solution (found using Finite Element Method) for sin x over the interval [0, pi]
For n = 8 elements:
numerical solution = [0 0.3728 0.6889 0.9001 0.9742 0.9001 0.6889 0.3728 0];
For n = 16 elements:
numerical solution = [0 0.1938 0.3802 0.5520 0.7026 0.8261 0.9179 0.9745 0.9936 0.9745 0.9179 0.8261 0.7026 0.5520 0.3802 0.1938 0]
I have declared the linspace(0, pi, n+1) to get these values.
Now I want to calculate three error norms using the following formulas:
My exact solution is p(x) = sin (x);
For the first error, my u is a (9x1) vector and my exact solution is a (1x1) sym. So I transformed the exact solution into 9 nodal points by using xvec = (0, pi, 9) and got satisfactory result for the first error:
eps_nodal = norm( (u)' - p(xvec) ) / norm( p(xvec) ) ;
Now I am stuck with the 2nd error, which is the L2 norm. Here I have to transform my u which is a (9x1) vector into a function (my instructor told me piece-wise linear) and get the difference between the function and the sine function. It has to be a function of x because I have to take the derivative of the difference between these 2 function to calculate the 3rd error, H1 norm.
Please let me know how can I convert my u into a function and take the difference between that function and the exact sine function. [****Feel free to ask me if something about the whole question is not clear enough****]
The error norms should have values like this for increasing values of n:
Answers (1)
on 1 Mar 2022
Edited: Torsten
on 1 Mar 2022
xvec = linspace(0,pi,9);
f1 = @(x)(interp1(xvec,usol,x,'linear') - sin(x)).^2;
l2_error = sqrt(integral(f1,0,pi))
for the L2-norm.
xvec = linspace(0,pi,9);
dx = xvec(2)-xvec(1);
f2 = @(x)(interp1(xvec,usol,x,'next') - interp1(xvec,usol,x,'previous'))/dx - cos(x)).^2;
h1_error = sqrt(integral(f2,0,pi))
for the H1-norm.
Since there are jumps in the derivative for the calculation of the H1-norm in the discretization points, I'm not sure "integral" will be able to cope with them.
on 1 Mar 2022
Edited: Torsten
on 1 Mar 2022
For the l2-norm, the piecewise-linear function you want to use is defined by
For the h1-norm, the differentiated piecewise-linear function you want to use is defined by
@(x)(interp1(xvec,usol,x,'next') - interp1(xvec,usol,x,'previous'))/dx
If you don't trust the formulae, plot the two functions in [0:pi].
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