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Fitting the curve problem

1 view (last 30 days)
Yumeng Yin
Yumeng Yin on 2 Mar 2022
Edited: Yumeng Yin on 10 Mar 2022
I try to fit an s-shape curve with the function that I define. But I only got a bad fit with the constant. Attached file is the data file and my scripts. Any advice will be appreciated.
Image Analyst
Image Analyst on 3 Mar 2022
For our convenience can you attach a screenshot of the data plotted?

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Answers (1)

David Hill
David Hill on 2 Mar 2022
[fitcurve,gof]=fit(duration_fit,y_duration_fit,'fourier5');%fourier5 does not look too bad
  1 Comment
Yumeng Yin
Yumeng Yin on 3 Mar 2022
Thanks a lot, David. That is another new idea for me to think about. But I need to use my own defined equation to fit it so that I could extract the parameter that I define. I am wondering if my setting is not complete and it leads to a bad fitting to my equation.

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