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Vertcat with equally sized tables does not work

4 views (last 30 days)
I am trying to concatenate 2 tables that have the same size (8X3):
table_3 = vertcat(table_1 , table_2)
but I get the error message saying that:
Dimensions of Arrays being concatenated are not consistent.
Both tables have the same column names. When I try to concatenate table_1 with table_1 I don't have any issues:
table_3 = vertcat(table_1 , table_1)
Also, the other approach of vertac caues the same problem:
table_3 = [table_1; table2]
  1 Comment
Metin Akyol
Metin Akyol on 3 Mar 2022
Some further clarification. The error message points out that one particular variable that contains different lengths strings caused this issue.

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Accepted Answer

KSSV on 3 Mar 2022
Try join.
table_3 = join(table_1 , table_2)
Simon Chan
Simon Chan on 3 Mar 2022
Just guess....I suspect they are character array.
Convert to cell and back to table.

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