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How to extract NaN values from matrix?

5 views (last 30 days)
Hello to everyone. I have a 28x5 matrix and this matrix has NaN values in it. I want to create a new matrix by deleting these NaN values from my matrix. My new matrix should only consist of numbers. I also want to save the newly formed matrix as a 1-line vector. How can I do that.
I wrote a code like this to delete NaN values, but I couldn't get the right result. Thanks for your help.

Accepted Answer

the cyclist
the cyclist on 14 Apr 2022
Here are two different ways:
M = [2 3;
5 NaN];
Mvec = M(not(isnan(M)))'
Mvec = 1×3
2 5 3
Mvec2 = M;
Mvec2(isnan(Mvec2)) = []
Mvec2 = 1×3
2 5 3
studentmatlaber on 14 Apr 2022
Edited: studentmatlaber on 14 Apr 2022
Thank you for your answer. There is one point that comes to my mind. matrix M = [2 3;5 NaN]. After removing the NaN value in this vector and creating the vector, it became 2 5 3 . However, the matrix I wanted should have been 2 3 5 . In other words, after writing the values in the 1st line and finishing, he should have written the values in the 2nd line.
the cyclist
the cyclist on 14 Apr 2022
M = [2 3;
5 NaN];
Mvec2 = M';
Mvec2(isnan(Mvec2)) = []
Mvec2 = 1×3
2 3 5

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