It is possible to run a script when you put a courson on a graph?

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Let's suppose that I have the graph from The figure 1 which represent the ratio of the sum of 5 paires of vectors.
I want the following thing to happen. When I put a coursor on one of the spikes, I want to automatically run a script and plot the two vectores that i considered for the ratio, as in Figure2.
It is possible this thing or is too futuristic?
Thanks a lot!

Accepted Answer

Jan on 8 Jun 2022
Of course this works. It depends on what exactly "put a coursor" means. Moving the mouse over the obejct? Clicking on the line? Set a label?
All three possibilities can trigger a callback function. Please explain, what you exactly need.
I recommend not to run a script, but a function.
Jessie Bessel
Jessie Bessel on 9 Jun 2022
Thank you for the answer.
I want to click on a spike and then trigger a script or function or anything. I just want that the "click on the spike in the figure" be similar to a pushbutton. Can you tell me how to approach this problem?
Thank you a lot!
Jan on 9 Jun 2022
Edited: Jan on 9 Jun 2022
How are the spikes shown? Are they different objects, e.g. of the type 'line'. Then use their ButtonDownFcn to catch the click:
axes('NextPlot', 'add', 'XLim', [0, 3], 'YLim', [0, 3])
line([1, 1], [0, 2], 'Color', rand(1, 3), 'ButtonDownFcn', @CB)
line([2, 2], [0, 2], 'Color', rand(1, 3), 'ButtonDownFcn', @CB)
function CB(LineH, EventData)
disp('You have clicked on me!')
LineH.LineWidth = LineH.LineWidth + 1;
LineH.Color = rand(1, 3);
Insert the code to create the diagrams in the callback function.

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