how to find the peaks between the local maxima and local minima

12 views (last 30 days)
hi, can someone help figure out how to find the peaks that are placed in between the peaks and valleys?
here is the code i used to find the maxima and minima using the first derivative of my pzpg singal
[pks , locs] = findpeaks(ndy,'MinPeakProminence',0.4);
[npks , nlocs] = findpeaks(-ndy,'MinPeakProminence',0.4);
plot(T(locs), pks,'x')
hold on;
plot(T(nlocs), -npks,'o')
hold on;
plot(T ,ndy);title ('local maxima, notch and minima');xlabel('time');ylabel('amplitude')
what im trying to do next is to find the peaks between the maxima (X) and the minima (O)

Accepted Answer

Image Analyst
Image Analyst on 1 Jul 2022
Try getting rid of minpeakprominence so that you find all peaks.
Image Analyst
Image Analyst on 1 Jul 2022
Find all the peaks and then delete the peaks that have a value more than 0.6:
% First find all peaks
[peakValues, indexesOfPeakValues] = findpeaks(ndy);
% Find out which peaks have a peak value less than 0.6.
goodPeaks = peaksValues < 0.6;
% Get the times at those peak indexes.
tPeaks = T(indexesOfPeakValues);
% Now keep only the good ones.
peakValues = peakValues(goodPeaks);
% Extract the same indexes from our time vector.
tPeaks = tPeaks(goodPeaks);
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