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Setting predermined values on the PID parameters in "pidtool"

2 views (last 30 days)
I have just startled to use the GUI "pidtool" and understand the tuning function. But how do I manually set values on the PID parameters? I can see the parameter values when I open the window " show parameters", but I cant see how to change e.g. the gain to KP=5 ( as an example)? That is I sant to simulate and analyse step responses, controller efforts etc for a set of pre calculated PID-parameters.
Regards Inge

Answers (1)

Arkadiy Turevskiy
Arkadiy Turevskiy on 11 Feb 2015
You cannot set your own gain values for the PID controller in the PID Tuner app. This tool is for automatically tuning PID controller gains, not for evaluating your own PID design. For that you can use Control System Designer app (SISO Tool), where you can setup the plots you want and modify controller parameters graphically or by typing values in. Here is a video .


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