read binary text from a file and add zeros to it
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Please. I need to read binary text from a file and if it is not a multiple of a certain number, add zeros to te until it becomes a multiple of it,iam do tracing to my code and i discover that the statment a=......... in while loop donot change its value based on the new text,it remain on the first text.
text = fileread('text1.txt');
n=input('enter the length of segment: ');
if a~=0
while a~=0
Accepted Answer
Image Analyst
on 11 Sep 2022
You forgot to attach the file!
If the text is binary like 0s and 1s, maybe try this
b = logical(readmatrix('text1.txt'));
% Make the vector 500000 elements long by padding zeros.
b(5000000) = false;
If you have any more questions, then attach your data with the paperclip icon after you read this:
More Answers (2)
Walter Roberson
on 11 Sep 2022
if a~=0
text = [text, repmat('0',1,n-a)];
Your bug is that you are converting text to string() array, but length() of a string array is the number of strings in the array, not the number of characters in the entry. See also strlength()
on 11 Sep 2022
Moved: Image Analyst
on 11 Sep 2022
What's the form of the file -- just a string of 0s and 1s? if so then it would be simply something like
text = fileread('text1.txt');
N=input('enter the length of segment: ');
if N > strlength(text), thanee it will add enough '0' to make up N overall; repmat will silengly do nothing if the repeat count is <=0 so you don't need any other logic outside; it's all handled internally ("magic happens").
fileread returns a char() vector to begin with so there's no conversion required there, either.
Walter Roberson
on 11 Sep 2022
User wants output to be a multiple of N long rather than padding <N to N and leaving >N unchanged
See Also
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