Can I set variable TSK to NaN in WRF output file?

1 view (last 30 days)
Hi there,
Basically, I need to produce a surface temperature plot with a certain colour scheme, but as you can see below, I have a few points which are way hotter than expected and are throwing off the rest of the map;
I'm using the TSK variable from WRF to make this plot. I was wondering if there might be anyway to set TSK values in the WRF output file to NaN when TSK exceeds 328 K?
Thank you!

Accepted Answer

Voss on 10 Dec 2022
Code adapted from your other question.
temp=ncread(filename, 'TSK');
temp(temp > 328) = NaN; % set any temp > 328 to NaN
% temp(temp > 328 | temp < 283) = NaN; % or if you wanted to set any temp
% outside the range 283->328 to NaN
longitude=ncread(filename, 'XLONG');
latitude=ncread(filename, 'XLAT');
mycolours = [0 0 168/255; 0 0 250/255; 0 52/255 1; 0 129/255 1; 0 200/255 1; 35/255 1 212/255; 93/255 1 154/255; 154/255 1 93/255; 212/255 1 35/255; 1 219/255 0; 1 148/255 0; 1 82/255 0; 250/255 15/255 0; 168/255 0 0]
contourf(longitude, latitude, temp, 283:328);

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