Comparison between 3D maps

4 views (last 30 days)
Federico Paolucci
Federico Paolucci on 23 Dec 2022
Commented: Federico Paolucci on 24 Dec 2022
Hello, I would like some advice on this: I have two 3D matrices A and B, 221x101x100 in size. They are matrices composed of elements 0 and 1 (they are binary matrices). I would like to make a comparison between the two matrices in the 4 cases
0 0
0 1
1 0
1 1
then, I have to plot the four cases with different colours. thanks for tha advice

Accepted Answer

Karim on 23 Dec 2022
Hello, you could use the scatter function to plot a sphere for the values that are true. Note, you need to use the ind2sub function if you want to obtain the 3D coordinates.
% set up random binary matrices...
A = rand(221,101,100) > 0.975;
B = rand(221,101,100) > 0.975;
% perform the comparison
A1B1 = A & B;
A0B1 = ~A & B;
A0B0 = ~A & ~B;
A1B0 = A & ~B;
% set up scatter points for 3D plot, using the indices as x,y,z values
[X,Y,Z] = ind2sub(size(A1B1),find(A1B1));
title('A = 1 & B = 1')
grid on
Image Analyst
Image Analyst on 23 Dec 2022
If you want them all on the same plot, it gets a bit messy, especially for large arrays, but here is all of them for a much smaller array.
% set up random binary matrices...
A = rand(5,5,10) > 0.5;
B = rand(5,5,10) > 0.5;
% perform the comparison
A1B1 = A & B;
A0B1 = ~A & B;
A0B0 = ~A & ~B;
A1B0 = A & ~B;
% For A == 1 and B == 1
% set up scatter points for 3D plot, using the indices as x,y,z values
[X,Y,Z] = ind2sub(size(A1B1),find(A1B1));
scatter3(X,Y,Z, 10, 'r', 'filled')
title('Color Coded Pairs')
grid on
hold on;
% For A == 0 and B == 1
[X,Y,Z] = ind2sub(size(A0B1),find(A0B1));
scatter3(X,Y,Z, 10, 'g', 'filled')
% For A == 1 and B == 0
[X,Y,Z] = ind2sub(size(A1B0),find(A1B0));
scatter3(X,Y,Z, 10, 'b', 'filled')
% For A == 0 and B == 0
[X,Y,Z] = ind2sub(size(A0B0),find(A0B0));
scatter3(X,Y,Z, 10, 'm', 'filled')
legend('A=1, B=1', 'A=0, B=1', 'A=1, B=0', 'A=0, B=0')

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