create a variable with multiple time steps

7 views (last 30 days)
Is there a way to create a variable that contains data with multiple time steps?
I have x and y coordinates of a plane where x*y is the total coordinates number, correpsondingly each coordinate has a velocity value v, suppose I have 100 time steps, how can I create a variable that contains the whole values of velocity at all time steps (x*y*100)?
Thank you!

Accepted Answer

KSSV on 17 Jan 2023
LEt (x,y) be your data and t be your time.
nx = length(x) ;
nt = length(t) ;
Z = zeros(nx*nx,nt) ; % it is a 2D matrix; each column saves x*y elements
Hussein Kokash
Hussein Kokash on 17 Jan 2023
Thank you for your reply KSSV.
What about ny in Z = zeros(nx*nx,nt)?
KSSV on 17 Jan 2023
ny == nx right? (x,y) wil be of same size.

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