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Bad allocation importing MDF file

6 views (last 30 days)
claudio on 22 Mar 2023
Commented: claudio on 23 Mar 2023
I'm trying to import a (Inca) MDF file by using read function
linkData = mdf(fileName);
rawDat = read(linkData);
however the following comes out
Any suggestion to solve the problem?

Answers (1)

Aritra on 23 Mar 2023
As per my understanding you are trying to import a MDF file in MATLAB.
To solve this, you can make use of the “mdfRead” function. The “mdfRead“ reads channel data from MDF-file.
You can also view MDF-file metadata using the “mdfInfo“ function.
For more clarity you can refer to the below example:
% Replace "VehicleData.mf4" with your filename.
data = mdfRead("VehicleData.mf4");
fileInfo = mdfInfo("VehicleData.mf4")
For detail, please see this MathWorks documentation below for more information on “Read Data from MDF-Files”:
  1 Comment
claudio on 23 Mar 2023
Unfortunately I have not Matlab 2023a. Does the "read" function have limitations on the size of the input file?

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