Analyzing Sections of Plot Data

2 views (last 30 days)
N/A on 12 Apr 2015
Commented: Star Strider on 12 Apr 2015
I have a plot of data used from testing a rocket engine's thrust vs. time response. I want to find the total impulse under the area that has the thrust. But, thats's only 2 seconds worth of data of the 40 seconds of data recorded and plotted. I want to do a trapz() under that section of data only. How would I go about doing that?

Accepted Answer

Star Strider
Star Strider on 12 Apr 2015
That depends on the data (that we don’t have). Assuming the there is noise in the data at all times, and a flat baseline before and after the rocket engine is on, the easiest way would be to identify the baseline mean and standard deviation, and consider everything above the baseline mean+3*std as the rocket engine thrust. Find the first and last indices in your vector that exceed those values, consider those the rocket engine thrust signal, and integrate between them. You might have to account for transients afterward, so consider those as well.
N/A on 12 Apr 2015
Yes! The theory was expected to be around 8 or 9 Ns, and that number makes sense. Doing the whole data set gave me a negative value, due to the noise above and below the x-axis. THANK YOU!!
Star Strider
Star Strider on 12 Apr 2015
My pleasure!
I’ve had to deal with these sorts of problems in my own work, so I’m always happy to share the techniques I’ve discovered to deal with them. That your signal had a very distinct beginning and end helped.

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