Select Two Images In Excel Using ActiveX
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I have an Excel Workbook which contains two pictures in it. The picture names are "Picture 2" & "Picture 3".
I am able to select either picture by itself like so
E = actxserver('Excel.Application'); % start COM server
E.Visible=1; % makes visible
E.Workbooks.Open('myWorkbook.xlsx'); % opens file
E.ActiveSheet.Shapes.('Picture 2').Select % selects Picture 2
or alternatively
I cannot figure out how to select both at once. I tried several different ways but none of them work
E.ActiveSheet.Shapes.('Picture 2','Picture 3').Select
E.ActiveSheet.Shapes.({'Picture 2','Picture 3'}).Select
E.ActiveSheet.Shapes.("Picture 2","Picture 3").Select
E.ActiveSheet.Shapes.(["Picture 2","Picture 3"]).Select
I recorded a macro in Excel selecting the two pictures...
ActiveSheet.Shapes.Range(Array("Picture 2", "Picture 3")).Select
...and notice that the two picture names are grouped in the Array function.
Thanks in advance for any help.
Answers (1)
on 21 Jul 2023
I understand that you want to select two images from excel.
You can use the “cellfun()” function to create “imagenamecell” object and use it to select multiple images.
Excel = actxserver('Excel.Application');
fullFileName = 'C:\path\to\workbook.xlsx';
ExcelWorkbook = Excel.Workbooks.Open(fullFileName);
oSheet = ExcelWorkbook.Sheets.Item(1);
Shapes = oSheet.Shapes;
imageNames = {'Picture 2', 'Picture 3'};
imageNamesCell = cellfun(@(x) [oSheet.Name, '!', x], imageNames, 'UniformOutput', false);
Alternatively, you can use a for loop
Excel = actxserver('Excel.Application');
fullFileName = 'C:\path\to\workbook.xlsx';
ExcelWorkbook = Excel.Workbooks.Open(fullFileName);
oSheet = ExcelWorkbook.Sheets.Item(1);
Shapes = oSheet.Shapes;
imageNames = {'Picture 2', 'Picture 3'};
for i = 1:numel(imageNames)
shapeName = imageNames{i};
shape = Shapes.Item(shapeName);
I hope this resolves your issue.
See Also
Find more on ActiveX in Help Center and File Exchange
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