TL:DR I was handed off code I want to update into an app designer that uses a GUI as inputs to a follow up function and am not grasping how to have the GUI talk to outside code and am asking for help on a basic example.
Background - I know this question has been answered a few times on here. But i am still lost as the examples are a bit to high level for me. I have been using matlab for almost 10 years now but only in the basic editor. Additionally, it is the only coding language I know.
I was handed some code from a previous individual that hand coded a GUI. Example:
Signal_Title = uicontrol(Settings_LP,'Style','text',...
'String','Signal Analysis Setup',...
height_1 = 1-(S1B_Title_H+GUI_Spacing_H);
etc etc and it goes on for 1000 lines of code to create:
Each checkbox is an initial condition that will be used in a following funciton.
I wanted to update this do app designer and I have been struggling. I was able to build the figure to look exactly the same but I am struggling with getting the outputs to be controlled by the GUI.
So I wanted to break this down to a fundamenatals question. I want this check mark to interact with an outside function.
I wrote the worlds simplest code.
function checkboxer(inputArg1)
if inputArg1 == 1;
The intention was to be when the GUI closes. if the box is checked. just poplulate an emply figure. and if the box is not checked. do nothing. I have been trying to get this moving for almost 3 days but I struggle with undestanding classes, properties, callbacks etc and none of the YT videos or forum posts have helped me brigde the gap.
classdef checkboxtester < matlab.apps.AppBase
properties (Access = public)
UIFigure matlab.ui.Figure
Check1CheckBox matlab.ui.control.CheckBox
properties (Access = public)
Check1 = 1;
methods (Access = public)
function appdesignfunction(app)
methods (Access = private)
function Check1CheckBoxValueChanged(app, event)
value = app.Check1CheckBox.Value;
if value == 1
app.Check1 = 1;
This is the current appdesigner code. Following along a few of the posts I made the outer function a function in app designer, and then to be honest I dont have a clue how properties work or how to call the section of the value. I have been struggling on this basic case but I feel like if I get it explanded in basic terms I should be able to brigde the gap.