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Nested Functions Matlab App Designer

10 views (last 30 days)
I have the following functions in Matlab App Designer:
function [volatility] = funfour(~,file_reqs, file_reqs_size, chosen_date, name, object_type)
% Function: funfour
% This function outputs the Volatility of the file as a percentage when
% compared to a chosen date
% Inputs:
% file_reqs: table/cell
% file_reqs_size: double/cell
% chosen_date: datetime
% Outputs:
% volatility: double/array
% Traceability
% Author: Santiago Chazaro
% email:
%------------- BEGIN CODE -------------
if isa(file_reqs, 'table') == 1 % Determines the amount of files being checked
vol = zeros(file_reqs_size,1); %Pre Allocation
for i = 1:file_reqs_size
vol(i) = file_reqs.LastModifiedOn(i,1) >= chosen_date; % Determines if a date is before or after the chosen date and creates a logical array where 1 = after, 0 = before
volatility = sum(vol)/file_reqs_size*100; % Finds the percentage of requirements that were modified after the chosen date
app.volgraphfun(volatility, name, object_type, chosen_date); %<<<<<<<<<<
vol{1,size(file_reqs_size,1)} = []; %Pre Allocation
volatility = zeros(1,size(file_reqs_size,1)); % Pre Allocation
for k = 1:size(file_reqs_size,1)
for y = 1:file_reqs_size(k,1)
vol{1,k}(y,1) = file_reqs{1,k}.LastModifiedOn(y,1) > chosen_date; % Determines if a date is before or after the chosen date and creates a logical array where 1 = after, 0 = before
volatility(1,k) = sum(vol{1,k})/file_reqs_size(k,1)*100; % Finds the percentage of requirements that were modified after the chosen date
app.volgraphfun(volatility, name, object_type, chosen_date); %<<<<<<<<<<
Which calls the following function inside of it:
function [] = volgraphfun(~,volatility, name, object_type, cdr)
% Function: volgraphfun
% This function plots the volatility of a file
% Inputs:
% volatility: double/array
% name: char/cell
% object_type: char
% cdr: datetime
% Outputs:
% stacked bar graph
% Traceability
% Author: Santiago Chazaro
% email:
%------------- BEGIN CODE -------------
if isa(name, 'char') % For single file inputs
op_vol = 100 - volatility; % Calculates nonvolatilty
yaxis = [volatility; op_vol]; % Concacates values
namecell = cellstr(name); % converts name to cell array
xaxis = categorical(namecell); % Creates categorical axis
figure('Name', name) % Defines figure
bar(xaxis, yaxis, 'stacked'); % Plots volatility as a stacked bar chart
barbase = cumsum([zeros(size(yaxis,1),1) yaxis(:, 1:end-1)],2); % Finds the cumulative sum of the y axis to determine positioning for legend
barbase = yaxis./2 + barbase; % Halfs the calculated values
for i = 1:size(yaxis,1)
text(xaxis, barbase(i), sprintf('%.01f %%', yaxis(i)), 'HorizontalAlignment', 'center'); % Places names in middle of bars
title(sprintf('Volatility of %s', name));
subtitle(sprintf('CDR: %s', cdr));
legend(sprintf('%s objects changed after CDR', object_type), sprintf('Stable %s objects after CDR', object_type))
else % Same code as above, for multiple inputs
for ii = 1:size(name, 2)
op_vol(ii) = 100 - volatility(ii);
yaxis{1,ii} = [volatility(ii); op_vol(ii)];
namecell = cellstr(name{1,ii});
xaxis = categorical(namecell);
figure('Name', name{1,ii})
bar(xaxis, yaxis{1,ii}, 'stacked');
barbase{1,ii} = cumsum([zeros(size(yaxis{1,ii},1),1) yaxis{1,ii}(:, 1:end-1)],2);
barbase{1,ii} = yaxis{1,ii}./2 + barbase{1,ii};
for i = 1:size(yaxis{1,ii},1)
text(xaxis, barbase{1,ii}(i), sprintf('%.01f %%', yaxis{1,ii}(i)), 'HorizontalAlignment', 'center')
title(sprintf('Volatility of %s', name{1,ii}));
subtitle(sprintf('CDR: %s', cdr));
legend(sprintf('%s objects changed after CDR', object_type), sprintf('Stable %s objects after CDR', object_type));
However, I keep getting the following error:
Unable to resolve the name 'app.volgraphfun'.
Error in Traceability_imbedded_functions/funfour (line 483)
app.volgraphfun(volatility, name, object_type, chosen_date);
Error in Traceability_imbedded_functions/RunButtonPushed (line 1163)
[app.volatility_B] = app.funfour(app.file_B_reqs, app.file_B_reqs_size, app.chosen_date_1, app.file_B_name, app.object_type);
Error in matlab.apps.AppBase>@(source,event)executeCallback(appdesigner.internal.service.AppManagementService.instance(),app,callback,requiresEventData,event) (line 63)
newCallback = @(source, event)executeCallback(appdesigner.internal.service.AppManagementService.instance(), ...
483 app.volgraphfun(volatility, name, object_type, chosen_date);
Is this a problem with the function referencing ?
Note: The above functions are all inside the app itself, and I'd like to keep it that way if possible.

Accepted Answer

VBBV on 29 Jun 2023
app.volgraphfun(volatility, name, object_type, chosen_date);

Change the above lines to

app.volgraphfun(~, volatility, name, object_type, chosen_date);

Since function seems to be defined for 5 arguments

VBBV on 29 Jun 2023

Ok. Then volgraphfun seems to be subfunction of funfour instead of component function. So, instead of

app.volgraphfun(volatility, name, object_type, chosen_date);

Call it just using its name as below

volgraphfun(volatility, name, object_type, chosen_date);
Santiago Chazaro
Santiago Chazaro on 29 Jun 2023
Edited: Santiago Chazaro on 29 Jun 2023
Ok, I think I understand the logic, instead of defining volgraph in the main app, I should just define it inside of funfour correct?
Edit: Yes
function [volatility] = funfour(~,file_reqs, file_reqs_size, chosen_date, name, object_type)
% Function: funfour
% This function outputs the Volatility of the file as a percentage when
% compared to a chosen date
% Inputs:
% file_reqs: table/cell
% file_reqs_size: double/cell
% chosen_date: datetime
% Outputs:
% volatility: double/array
% Traceability
% Author: Santiago Chazaro
% email:
%------------- BEGIN CODE -------------
if isa(file_reqs, 'table') == 1 % Determines the amount of files being checked
vol = zeros(file_reqs_size,1); %Pre Allocation
for i = 1:file_reqs_size
vol(i) = file_reqs.LastModifiedOn(i,1) >= chosen_date; % Determines if a date is before or after the chosen date and creates a logical array where 1 = after, 0 = before
volatility = sum(vol)/file_reqs_size*100; % Finds the percentage of requirements that were modified after the chosen date
volgraphfun(volatility, name, object_type, chosen_date);
vol{1,size(file_reqs_size,1)} = []; %Pre Allocation
volatility = zeros(1,size(file_reqs_size,1)); % Pre Allocation
for k = 1:size(file_reqs_size,1)
for y = 1:file_reqs_size(k,1)
vol{1,k}(y,1) = file_reqs{1,k}.LastModifiedOn(y,1) > chosen_date; % Determines if a date is before or after the chosen date and creates a logical array where 1 = after, 0 = before
volatility(1,k) = sum(vol{1,k})/file_reqs_size(k,1)*100; % Finds the percentage of requirements that were modified after the chosen date
volgraphfun(volatility, name, object_type, chosen_date);
function [] = volgraphfun(volatility, name, object_type, cdr)
% Function: volgraphfun
% This function plots the volatility of a file
% Inputs:
% volatility: double/array
% name: char/cell
% object_type: char
% cdr: datetime
% Outputs:
% stacked bar graph
% Traceability
% Author: Santiago Chazaro
% email:
%------------- BEGIN CODE -------------
if isa(name, 'char') % For single file inputs
op_vol = 100 - volatility; % Calculates nonvolatilty
yaxis = [volatility; op_vol]; % Concacates values
namecell = cellstr(name); % converts name to cell array
xaxis = categorical(namecell); % Creates categorical axis
figure('Name', name) % Defines figure
bar(xaxis, yaxis, 'stacked'); % Plots volatility as a stacked bar chart
barbase = cumsum([zeros(size(yaxis,1),1) yaxis(:, 1:end-1)],2); % Finds the cumulative sum of the y axis to determine positioning for legend
barbase = yaxis./2 + barbase; % Halfs the calculated values
for i = 1:size(yaxis,1)
text(xaxis, barbase(i), sprintf('%.01f %%', yaxis(i)), 'HorizontalAlignment', 'center'); % Places names in middle of bars
title(sprintf('Volatility of %s', name));
subtitle(sprintf('CDR: %s', cdr));
legend(sprintf('%s objects changed after CDR', object_type), sprintf('Stable %s objects after CDR', object_type))
else % Same code as above, for multiple inputs
for ii = 1:size(name, 2)
op_vol(ii) = 100 - volatility(ii);
yaxis{1,ii} = [volatility(ii); op_vol(ii)];
namecell = cellstr(name{1,ii});
xaxis = categorical(namecell);
figure('Name', name{1,ii})
bar(xaxis, yaxis{1,ii}, 'stacked');
barbase{1,ii} = cumsum([zeros(size(yaxis{1,ii},1),1) yaxis{1,ii}(:, 1:end-1)],2);
barbase{1,ii} = yaxis{1,ii}./2 + barbase{1,ii};
for i = 1:size(yaxis{1,ii},1)
text(xaxis, barbase{1,ii}(i), sprintf('%.01f %%', yaxis{1,ii}(i)), 'HorizontalAlignment', 'center')
title(sprintf('Volatility of %s', name{1,ii}));
subtitle(sprintf('CDR: %s', cdr));
legend(sprintf('%s objects changed after CDR', object_type), sprintf('Stable %s objects after CDR', object_type));

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