Why is my iteration not working?

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I have an example of how to find the difference of elements of a matrix starting on the 2nd iteration which would correlate with the 2nd row and j=1 is corresponding to the column. So This example Shows the difference of 2nd row - 1st row on the first column all the way to the last column.
Then next iteration will do 3rd row - 2nd row on the first column all the way to the last column and replace all those difference into the 'u' matrix.
This example is successful with the first column of 'u' being zeros and the rest being all different non-zero values.
a = rand(30,1,51);
u = zeros(30,1,51);
for i=2:numel(u(1,:,:)
for j =1:numel(u(:,:,1))
u(j,:,i) = (a(j,:,i) - a(j,:,i-1));
Now This is the problem that is similar to the example but, I cant seem to figure out why my 'u' is all zeros still.
All LatPos positions in the matrix for the first 15 rows and all columns are all different values. So 'u' should be a non-zero scalar at each position
function [LatPos, u] = fcn(detections)
LatPos = zeros(numel(detections.Detections),numel(detections.Detections(1).Time)) %LatPos = zeros[30x51]... Ends up becoming [30x1x51]
%detections.Detections = [30x1]
%detections.Detections(1).Time = [1x1x51]
u = zeros(numel(detections.Detections),numel(detections.Detections(1).Time)) %% u = zeros[30x51]... Ends up becoming [30x1x51]
for i = 2:numel(u(1,:,:))
for j = 1:numel(u(:,:,1)
u(j,:,i) = LatPos(j,:,i) - LatPos(j,:,i-1)
Could the issue be in the initialization of my matrices for both 'u' or 'LatPos'?
Marshall Botta
Marshall Botta on 21 Sep 2023
detections.Detections = to a [30x1] matrix
detections.Detections(1).Time = to a [1x1x51] matrix
detections is coming from the a Detection Concatenation block...
The data coming from this block is multi struct/double timseries within a huge data set. I grab them with detections.Detections(i).Measurement which is the pose for ith detection.
The reason I do a 3d array because for some reason putting numel(detections.Detections) for N and numel(detections.Detections(1).Time) u and LatPos matrices become a 3d array using the numel(detections.Detections(1).Time) = 1x1x51 matrix

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Accepted Answer

Binaya on 26 Sep 2023
Hi Marshal,
I understand that you want to calculate difference of adjacent rows of a given matrix and store it in a separate matrix. For this task, you can use a single loop instead of two for loops the difference by using MATLAB indexing which will simplify the code and increase its readability.
Please find the simplified code below:
for i =2:numel(u(:,:,1))
u(i,:,:) = LatPos(i,:,:) - LatPos(i-1,:,:)
The code submitted by you had columns and row indices interchanged, which is fixed in the above code and also simplified so as not to use multiple for loops to access each individual element of the matrix.
I hope this helps.
  1 Comment
Marshall Botta
Marshall Botta on 27 Sep 2023
Thank you Binaya,
This is exactly the solution to my problem. I can't believe it was a lot simpliar than I thought.

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