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Trouble concatenating a cell.

2 views (last 30 days)
Paul Safier
Paul Safier on 21 Sep 2023
Commented: Voss on 21 Sep 2023
I want to concatenate the cell in the image such that rows 1,2 and10 are expanded, i.e. rows 1 and 2 each become 4 rows. Row 10 should become 2 rows. Thus, when done, the cell will be size [20 4] and not [13 4].
Ultimately I want this data into a table to write to disk as a csv. I plan to use writetable...
I'm not having any luck with cell concatenation operations gleaned online. Any suggestions?

Accepted Answer

Voss on 21 Sep 2023
Edited: Voss on 21 Sep 2023
Here's one way to make a table out of it:
% a cell array like yours:
tst = { ...
"n"+string(randi(10,4,1)),zeros(4,1),rand(4,1),rand(4,1); ...
"n"+string(randi(10,4,1)),zeros(4,1),rand(4,1),rand(4,1); ...
"n1",0,-3000,-3000; ...
"n2",0,-4000,-4300; ...
"n"+string(randi(10,2,1)),zeros(2,1),rand(2,1),rand(2,1); ...
"n3",0,-4400,-4500; ...
tst = 6×4 cell array
{4×1 string} {4×1 double} {4×1 double} {4×1 double} {4×1 string} {4×1 double} {4×1 double} {4×1 double} {["n1" ]} {[ 0]} {[ -3000]} {[ -3000]} {["n2" ]} {[ 0]} {[ -4000]} {[ -4300]} {2×1 string} {2×1 double} {2×1 double} {2×1 double} {["n3" ]} {[ 0]} {[ -4400]} {[ -4500]}
% vertcat each column, store in args cell to be sent to table:
N = size(tst,2);
args = cell(1,N);
for ii = 1:N
args{ii} = vertcat(tst{:,ii});
T = table(args{:})
T = 13×4 table
Var1 Var2 Var3 Var4 _____ ____ ________ _______ "n7" 0 0.44091 0.53584 "n1" 0 0.9128 0.38251 "n10" 0 0.10853 0.80617 "n8" 0 0.1388 0.16147 "n2" 0 0.59 0.83124 "n5" 0 0.3631 0.24028 "n10" 0 0.068072 0.79592 "n6" 0 0.88154 0.5531 "n1" 0 -3000 -3000 "n2" 0 -4000 -4300 "n10" 0 0.22986 0.98944 "n10" 0 0.063354 0.11196 "n3" 0 -4400 -4500
Paul Safier
Paul Safier on 21 Sep 2023
That works perfectly! Thanks @Voss !!
Voss on 21 Sep 2023
You're welcome!

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