ODE45 Output size

1 view (last 30 days)
Sneh on 1 Nov 2023
Answered: Sam Chak on 1 Nov 2023
I am trying to subtract w_ode from w. I used two methods to get w and I want to see the difference between them. But, the ode45 returns a w_ode(1:3.:) of size 3x645 and the other w has a size 3x101. Shouldn't ode45 return a 3x101 because the t = 0:100. So, the inputed time is a matrix of size 1x101.
I_T = 2;
J = 1.5;
I = [I_T; I_T; J];
w = [-0.1; 0.3; -1.1];
L = [0;0;0];
t = 0:100;
% Using ode45 to integrate w dot
options = odeset('RelTol',1e-10,'AbsTol',1e-10);
result = ode45(@dwdt_Bframe, t, [w; I; L], options);
% Extracting information from ode solver
t = result.x;
w_ode = result.y;
A1 = w(1);
A2 = w(2);
B1 = w(2);
B2 = -w(1);
K = (I_T - J)/I_T;
w3 = w(3);
t = 0:100;
w1 = A1*cos(K*w3*t) + B1*sin(K*w3*t);
w2 = A2*cos(K*w3*t) + B2*sin(K*w3*t);
w3 = w3;
w = [w1; w2; w3];
function dwdt = dwdt_Bframe(t, wIL)
w = wIL(1:3);
I = wIL(4:6);
L = wIL(7:9);
% The w dot equations
dwdt = zeros(9,1);
dwdt(1) = (-(I(3) - I(2))*w(2)*w(3) + L(1)) / I(1);
dwdt(2) = (-(I(1) - I(3))*w(3)*w(1) + L(2)) / I(2);
dwdt(3) = (-(I(2) - I(1))*w(1)*w(2) + L(3)) / I(3);
% Keep the values of I and L constant
dwdt(4:6) = 0;
dwdt(7:9) = 0;

Answers (1)

Sam Chak
Sam Chak on 1 Nov 2023
I think you want to compare the numerical solutions with the analytical solutions.
%% Method 1: Numerical Solutions
% Settings for ode45 solver
tspan = 0:100; % integration time
w0 = [-0.1; 0.3; -1.1]; % initial omega values
opts = odeset('RelTol', 1e-10, 'AbsTol', 1e-10);
% Using ode45 to integrate w dot
[t, wn] = ode45(@dwdt_Bframe, tspan, w0, opts); % numerical solutions are stored in wn
% Plot the numerical solutions, {ω₁, ω₂, ω₃}
plot(t, wn), grid on, title('Numerical Solutions (via ode45)')
ylim([-1.5 0.5])
%% Method 2: Analytical Solutions (by formulas)
I_T = 2;
J = 1.5;
A1 = w0(1); % ω₁'s magnitude of cos component
A2 = w0(2); % ω₂'s magnitude of cos component
B1 = w0(2); % ω₁'s magnitude of sin component
B2 = -w0(1); % ω₂'s magnitude of sin component
K = (I_T - J)/I_T;
w30 = w0(3); % initial value of ω₃
% the formulas
w1 = A1*cos(K*w30*t) + B1*sin(K*w30*t);
w2 = A2*cos(K*w30*t) + B2*sin(K*w30*t);
w3 = w30*ones(numel(t), 1);
wa = [w1, w2, w3];
% Plot the analytical solutions, {ω₁, ω₂, ω₃}
plot(t, wa), grid on, title('Analytical Solutions (by formulas)')
ylim([-1.5 0.5]), xlabel('Time / seconds')
% Rotational dynamics
function dwdt = dwdt_Bframe(t, w)
I_T = 2;
J = 1.5;
I = [I_T; I_T; J];
L = [0; 0; 0];
% The w dot equations
dwdt = zeros(3, 1);
dwdt(1) = (- (I(3) - I(2))*w(2)*w(3) + L(1)) / I(1);
dwdt(2) = (- (I(1) - I(3))*w(3)*w(1) + L(2)) / I(2);
dwdt(3) = (- (I(2) - I(1))*w(1)*w(2) + L(3)) / I(3);





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