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Physics-informed NN for parameter identification

9 views (last 30 days)
Zhe on 8 Jan 2024
Commented: Ben on 20 May 2024
Dear all,
I am trying to use the physics-informed neural network (PINN) for an inverse parameter identification for ODE or PDE.
I referenced the example in this link to write the code:
Here's the program I wrote:
clear; clc;
% Specify training configuration
numEpochs = 500000;
avgG = [];
avgSqG = [];
batchSize = 500;
lossFcn = @modelLoss;
lr = 1e-5;
% Inverse PINN for d2x/dt2 = mu1*x + mu2*x^2
mu1Actual = -rand;
mu2Actual = rand;
x = @(t) cos(sqrt(-mu1Actual)*t) + sin(sqrt(-mu2Actual)*t);
maxT = 2*pi/sqrt(max(-mu1Actual, -mu2Actual));
t = dlarray(linspace(0, maxT, batchSize), "CB");
xactual = dlarray(x(t), "CB");
% Specify a network and initial guesses for mu1 and mu2
net = [
fullyConnectedLayer(1)]; = dlnetwork(net);
params.mu1 = dlarray(-0.5);
params.mu2 = dlarray(0.5);
% Train
for i = 1:numEpochs
[loss, grad] = dlfeval(lossFcn, t, xactual, params);
[params, avgG, avgSqG] = adamupdate(params, grad, avgG, avgSqG, i, lr);
if mod(i, 1000) == 0
fprintf("Epoch: %d, Predicted mu1: %.3f, Actual mu1: %.3f, Predicted mu2: %.3f, Actual mu2: %.3f\n", ...
i, extractdata(params.mu1), mu1Actual, extractdata(params.mu2), mu2Actual);
function [loss, grad] = modelLoss(t, x, params)
xpred = forward(, t);
dxdt = dlgradient(sum(real(xpred)), t, 'EnableHigherDerivatives', true);
d2xdt2 = dlgradient(sum(dxdt), t);
% Modify the ODE residual based on your specific ODE
odeResidual = d2xdt2 - (params.mu1 * xpred + params.mu2 * xpred.^2);
% Compute the mean square error of the ODE residual
odeLoss = mean(odeResidual.^2);
% Compute the L2 difference between the predicted xpred and the true x.
dataLoss = l2loss(real(x), real(xpred)); % Ensure real part is used
% Sum the losses and take gradients
loss = odeLoss + dataLoss;
[, grad.mu1, grad.mu2] = dlgradient(loss,, params.mu1, params.mu2);
When I run the script no errors are reported, but the two parameters learned are not getting closer to the true values as the number of iterations increases:
I would like to know the reason for this situation and the corresponding solution, if you can help me to change the code I will be very grateful!
carlos Hernando
carlos Hernando on 19 May 2024
Edited: carlos Hernando on 20 May 2024
Hello @Ben, I tried a similar code with lbfgsupdate, but I am unable to make it work. Any suggestion? Thank you for your time
% Sample X in (0.001, 1.001) x (0.001, 1.001). The 0.001 is to avoid t=0.
X = dlarray(0.001+rand(dimension,batchSize),"CB");
uactual = solutionFcn(X);
% lossFcn = dlaccelerate(@modelLoss);
lossFcn = @(parameters) dlfeval(@modelLoss,X,parameters,uactual);
solverState = lbfgsState;
for iter = 1:maxIters
% [loss,gradients] = dlfeval(lossFcn,X,parameters,uactual);
% fprintf("Iteration : %d, Loss : %.4f \n",iter, extractdata(loss));
[parameters, solverState] = lbfgsupdate(parameters,lossFcn,solverState);
% [parameters,avgG,avgSqG] = adamupdate(parameters,gradients,avgG,avgSqG,iter,1e-3);
if mod(iter, 1000) == 0
fprintf("Iteration: %d, Predicted c: %.3f, Actual c: %.3f \n", ...
iter, extractdata(parameters.c), trueC);
Edit: Adapt code to example
Ben on 20 May 2024
Could you post your modelLoss and solutionFcn and how parameters are created, as these seem to be different to the above example.
The example code I posted before can be adapted to use lbfgsupdate as shown below. However it seemed you have to be careful with the LBFGS parameters - see the lbfgsupdate and lbfgsState documentation for all the options - for example the state.LineSearchStatus would often be "failed" in some experiments I tried. In such cases it could help to first train with adamupdate until you have reasonable convergence, then continue training with lbfgsupdate from that point.
clear; clc;
% Specify training configuration
numEpochs = 1000;
avgG = [];
avgSqG = [];
batchSize = 500;
lossFcn = dlaccelerate(@modelLoss); % accelerate the loss function
lr = 1e-3; % NOTE: I increased this, but 1e-5 may be fine too.
% Inverse PINN for d2u/dt2 = mu1*u, d2v/dt2 = mu2*v, x = u + iv
mu1Actual = -rand;
mu2Actual = rand;
x = @(t) cos(sqrt(-mu1Actual)*t) + sin(sqrt(-mu2Actual)*t);
maxT = 2*pi/sqrt(max(-mu1Actual, -mu2Actual));
t = dlarray(linspace(0, maxT, batchSize), "CB");
xactual = dlarray(x(t), "CB");
% Specify a network and initial guesses for mu1 and mu2
net = [
fullyConnectedLayer(2)]; % make the network have two outputs, u(t) and v(t) = dlnetwork(net);
params.mu1 = dlarray(-0.5);
params.mu2 = dlarray(0.5);
fcn = @(params) dlfeval(@modelLoss, t, xactual, params);
fcn = dlaccelerate(fcn);
state = lbfgsState;
% Train
for i = 1:numEpochs
[params,state] = lbfgsupdate(params,fcn,state,"MaxNumLineSearchIterations",50,"LineSearchMethod","backtracking");
if mod(i, 10) == 0
fprintf("Epoch: %d, Predicted mu1: %.3f, Actual mu1: %.3f, Predicted mu2: %.3f, Actual mu2: %.3f\n", ...
i, extractdata(params.mu1), mu1Actual, extractdata(params.mu2), mu2Actual);
function [loss, grad] = modelLoss(t, x, params)
xpred = forward(, t);
xpred = real(xpred); % this real call prevents complex gradients propagating backward into
u = xpred(1,:);
v = xpred(2,:);
dudt = dlgradient(sum(u), t, 'EnableHigherDerivatives', true);
d2udt2 = dlgradient(sum(dudt), t);
dvdt = dlgradient(sum(v), t, EnableHigherDerivatives = true);
d2vdt2 = dlgradient(sum(dvdt),t);
% Modify the ODE residual based on your specific ODE
odeResidual = (d2udt2 - (params.mu1 * u)).^2;% + params.mu2 * xpred.^2);
odeResidual = odeResidual + (d2vdt2 - params.mu2.*v).^2;
% Compute the mean square error of the ODE residual
odeLoss = mean(odeResidual,"all");
% Compute the L2 difference between the predicted xpred and the true x.
dataLoss = l2loss(real(x), u) + l2loss(imag(x), v); % Ensure real part is used
% Sum the losses and take gradients
loss = odeLoss + dataLoss;
[, grad.mu1, grad.mu2] = dlgradient(loss,, params.mu1, params.mu2);

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