How can I add query points between two adjacent points of sampled data?

3 views (last 30 days)
I have a representative subset of sample points as shown in column A (x), and intend to add query points (evenly) in interval of each two adjacent sample points of column A to make it as shown in column B (Xq).

Accepted Answer

Voss on 24 Feb 2024
x = [1;3;4;6;10]
x = 5x1
1 3 4 6 10
n = 4; % number of points to insert in each interval
N = numel(x);
q = linspace(1,N,(n+1)*(N-1)+1);
Xq = interp1(1:N,x,q).'
Xq = 21x1
1.0000 1.4000 1.8000 2.2000 2.6000 3.0000 3.2000 3.4000 3.6000 3.8000

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