Edit poles and zeros in root locus design editor or bode editor

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While i am trying to get the bode plot for my input and output from my simulink model i am getting the error as mentioned below in the image.
Sam Chak
Sam Chak on 10 Jun 2024
If you have got the Transfer Function of the system, making the Bode plot is a very straightforward thing.
Can you show the transfer function?
Nandhini on 11 Jun 2024
Iam taking the bode plot for the speed control model based on discrete PI control, i am trying to tune the input speed and output speed using the bode plot.help me in this regards.

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Answers (1)

Sam Chak
Sam Chak on 11 Jun 2024
I prefer mathematical model-based design by formulas that satisfies certain stability properties and achieves specified performance requirements, because I cannot see the search space (of higher-order systems) in all directions among which the desired solution resides.
However, you can follow the tutorials outlined in these articles to graphically tune the compensator at your own pace (no math to calculate!) using the desired response is obtained (but also no math to guarantee!):
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Sam Chak
Sam Chak on 11 Jun 2024
If you do not have the time to repeatedly tune the poles and zeros at your own pace, but intuitively understands (without formal mathematical proof) that the optimal pole-zero configuration lies somewhere in the z-plane of the discrete-time system, then training a Reinforcement Learning agent using an appropriately designed reward and penalty function may be a viable approach to search for the desired solution.

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