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Cannot register Custom Add-on Library

14 views (last 30 days)
I've written a custom add-on library to controll a stepper motor, however I'm having trouble registering it. I've both added the path via Set Path and tried running >>addpath('C:\Users\...'), but when I type in >>listArduinoLibraries, the add-on doesn't show up.
The Current Folder browser looks excactly as shown here (, with only the src folder and its content appearing faded.
This is my C++ Header File:
# include "LibraryBase.h"
# include "Stepper.h"
// Command IDs
# define ROTATE_STEPPER 0x01
# define STEPPER_SPEED 0x02
class Stepper_L298N : public LibraryBase
Stepper stepper;
Stepper_L298N(MWArduinoClass& a, int stepsPerRevolution, int pin1, int pin2, int pin3, int pin4)
: stepper (stepsPerRevolution, pin1, pin2, pin3, pin4)
libName = "Stepper_L298N";
void commandHandler(byte cmdID, byte* dataIn, unsigned int payloadSize)
switch (cmdID){
int steps;
memcpy(&steps, dataIn, sizeof(int));
sendResponseMsg(cmdID, 0, 0);
int speed;
memcpy(&speed, dataIn, sizeof(int));
sendResponseMsg(cmdID, 0, 0);
The first part of my Add-On Class looks like this:
classdef Stepper_L298N < matlabshared.addon.LibraryBase
properties (Access = protected)
properties (Access = private, Constant = true)
ROTATE_STEPPER = hex2dec('01')
STEPPER_SPEED = hex2dec('02')
properties (Access = protected, Constant = true)
LibraryName = 'Stepper_L298N'
DependentLibraries = {}
LibraryHeaderFiles = 'Stepper.h'
CppHeaderFile = fullfile(arduinoio.FilePath(mfilename('fullpath')), 'src', 'Stepper_L298N.h')
CppClassName = 'Stepper_L298N'
I've checked for typos in the file names, but I can't find any. Any advice what else could be wrong?
  1 Comment
Jana on 6 Jul 2024
Okay, so I've contacted tech support about this, and what ended up solving it for me was changing the folder stucture, so that the src folder is now a subfolder of the +arduinoioaddons folder, and not the +ExampleAddon folder anymore. No idea why, but I can register my library now :)

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Accepted Answer

Eric Prandovsky
Eric Prandovsky on 19 Sep 2024 at 19:19
MATLAB recognizes it's an arduino addon based on the folder structure. For example when you install the NeoPixel addon stored in:
\Toolboxes\NeoPixel Add-On Library for Arduino\+arduinoioaddons\+Adafruit\src
If you go to the Toolboxes folder and the addon is grayed out, right click on the NeoPixel Add-On folder and select "Add to Path --> Selected folders" MATLAB automatically discovers that there is an Arduino Add-on in that folder based on the folder name +arduinoioaddons

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