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Tex Markup Ignored Even When Tex Interpreter is Manually Set

1 view (last 30 days)
Previously, I have been able to change the color of my y and x axis labels and tick labels using the tex interpreter syntax. I needed to do it like this because I did not want the black axis lines on my heatmap plot. So I built a code using tex markup, that used to output a figure that looked like this:
However, now that figure when generated looks like this:
If I change the window background color, it shows that my text is not being interpreted properly with the 'Tex' interpreter.
This is despite my TickLabelInterpreter being set to 'tex'.
Any ideas what could be causing this sudden change/hiccup? A code snippet is below:
%% Figure 2 - Heatmaps of Acceptance Rates by $ to Subj and Contrasts
%Unpaid Phase
%Set Figure Environment
fig2A = figure;
fig2A.Units = 'inches';
fig2A.Position = [fig2A.Position(1), fig2A.Position(2), 6, 6.75];
fig2A.Color = 'white';
angle = 45;
xlabelstr = '/color{black}Charity Donation ($)';
ylabelstr = '/color{black}Shock Units (U)';
tl = tiledlayout(4,4, 'TileSpacing', 'compact', 'Padding', 'compact');
tl.Position(1) = 0.0875;
tl.Position(3) = 0.7625;
%Open Subplot
ARheatmap{1} = imagesc(flipud(All.meanARbySubj{1}), [0 1]);
ax{2,1} = tl.Children(1);
ax{2,1}.XTick = 1:6;
ax{2,1}.Box = 'off';
ax{2,1}.XColor = 'w';
ax{2,1}.YColor = 'w';
xticklabelstr = num2cellstr(CharVal);
yticklabelstr = num2cellstr(flip(ShockVal));
%Create ticklabel cell arrays
for i = 1:6
xticklabelstr{i} = ['/color{black}' xticklabelstr{i}];
if i < 6
yticklabelstr{i} = ['/color{black}' yticklabelstr{i}];
%Set Tick and axis labels
ax{2,1}.XTickLabel = xticklabelstr;
ax{2,1}.YTickLabel = yticklabelstr;
ax{2,1}.TickLabelInterpreter = 'tex';
xlabel(xlabelstr, 'Interpreter','tex');
ylabel(ylabelstr, 'Interpreter','tex');
%Add colorbar
cb = colorbar;
cb.Color = 'w';
cb.Location = 'layout';
cb.Layout.Tile = 2;
cb.Ticks = [0 0.25 0.5 0.75 1];
cb.TickLabels = {'/color{black}0', '/color{black}0.25', ...
'/color{black}0.5', '/color{black}0.75', '/color{black}1'};
cb.Label.String = '/color{black}Shock Acceptance Rate';
cb.Box = 'off';
cb.TickLabelInterpreter = 'tex';
  1 Comment
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 3 Jul 2024
You might need to enclose your tex code in $$
xlabelstr = '$/color{black}Charity Donation (\$)$';
ylabelstr = '$/color{black}Shock Units (U)$';

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Answers (1)

Jeff Miller
Jeff Miller on 3 Jul 2024
Moved: Walter Roberson on 4 Jul 2024
Shouldn't your forward slashes be backslashes? Try, e.g.
instead of


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