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newton raphson for nonlinear heat equation scheme

38 views (last 30 days)
Maryam Albuhayr
Maryam Albuhayr on 9 Sep 2024 at 19:48
Commented: Maryam Albuhayr on 9 Sep 2024 at 21:58
I am trying to apply newton raphson method to linearize a scheme arise from non linear heat equation of the form
and the scheme is :
where are non linear term that was splitted to convex-concave function.
I have written this code but I couldn't get what is my mistake and how to make it work.
I appreciate any one can help me with that
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%PR parameters
% Critical constants for normal butane (c_6)
Tc = 507.44; % Critical temperature in Kelvin
Pc = 30.31; % Critical pressure in bar
w = 0.299; % Acentric factor
% MW=0.05812;
%% Parameters
L = 0.000000008; % Length of the domain
T = 0.1; % Total time
Nx = 5; % Number of spatial grid points
Nt = 10; % Number of time steps
% c = 1; % Thermal diffusivity constant
dx = L / (Nx - 1); % Spatial step size
dt = T / Nt; % Time step size
% Initial and boundary conditions
u0 = @(x) 7000-(7000/L)*x; % Initial condition
uL = 7000; % Dirichlet boundary condition at x=0
uR = 0; % Dirichlet boundary condition at x=L
% Nonlinear source term and its convex/concave splitting
f = @(u) R.*T*(log(u./(1-u.*b))+u.*b./(1-u.*b))-u.*a./(1+2.*u.*b-u.^2*b.^2)-a./(2.*sqrt(2).*b).*log((1+(1-sqrt(2)).*u.*b)./(1+(1+sqrt(2)).*u.*b)); % Example: cubic nonlinearity
fc = @(u) R.*T.*(log(u./(1-u.*b))+u.*b./(1-u.*b)); % Convex part
fd = @(u) f(u) - fc(u); % Concave part
% Derivative of the convex part for Newton's method
dfc = @(u) R.*T*(1/(u.*(b.*u-1)).^2); % Derivative of the convex part
% Exact solution function (if available)
% For demonstration, assuming an exact solution function
% exact_solution = @(x, t) 1./(1+exp(x-t));
% Spatial grid
x = linspace(0, L, Nx);
% u=zeros(Nt,Nx);
% Initial condition
u = u0(x);
grid on
title('Initial condition')
% Laplacian matrix (central difference)
e = ones(Nx,1);
A = spdiags([e -2*e e], -1:1, Nx, Nx) / dx^2;
% Apply boundary conditions to A
A(1,:) = 7000; A(1,1) = 7000; % Fix the boundary at x=0
A(end,:) = 0; A(end,end) = 0; % Fix the boundary at x=L 0;
% Time integration loop
for n = 1:Nt
% Apply boundary conditions at each time step
u(1) = 0; % Boundary at x=0
u(Nx) = 0; % Boundary at x=L
% Initial guess for Newton's method (use the previous time step)
U = u;
% Newton iteration loop
for k = 1:100
% Calculate the residual F(U^k)
F_Uk = U - dt * c * A * U - dt * fc(U) - (u + dt * fd(u));
% Calculate the Jacobian J(U^k)
J_Uk = speye(Nx) - dt * c * A - dt * spdiags(dfc(U), 0, Nx, Nx);
% Solve for Newton update dU
dU = J_Uk \ (-F_Uk);
% Update U with the Newton step
U = U + dU;
% Check for convergence
if norm(dU, inf) < 1e-6
% Update solution for the next time step
u = U;
% Optionally, plot the solution at selected times
if mod(n, Nt/10) == 0 % Plot every 10% of the total time steps
plot(x, u, '-o', 'DisplayName', 'Numerical Solution');
title(sprintf('Solution at time t = %.2f', n * dt));
grid on;
Error using *
Incorrect dimensions for matrix multiplication. Check that the number of columns in the first matrix matches the number of rows in the second matrix. To operate on each element of the matrix individually, use TIMES (.*) for elementwise multiplication.

Answers (1)

Torsten on 9 Sep 2024 at 20:07
Edited: Torsten on 9 Sep 2024 at 20:47
Why don't you use "pdepe" ? Ten lines of code maximum, and you are done.
To get rid of the error in the above code, replace
% Spatial grid
x = linspace(0, L, Nx);
% Spatial grid
x = linspace(0, L, Nx).';
But other problems follow.
Why do you set A as below ? Shouldn't this be u or U ?
A(1,:) = 7000; A(1,1) = 7000; % Fix the boundary at x=0
A(end,:) = 0; A(end,end) = 0; % Fix the boundary at x=L 0;
Are you sure about u(1) = 0 ? I thought you want to keep it at 7000.
% Apply boundary conditions at each time step
u(1) = 0; % Boundary at x=0
u(Nx) = 0; % Boundary at x=L




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