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Clear Filters

How might I improve (make faster) my video extraction?

1 view (last 30 days)
So, I use VideoReader to read in my MP4 (~280MB) video file:
VidObj = VideoReader([pname '\' fname]);
The video format for the particular file I am currently extracting is RGB24.
Here's my code for taking my video object and creating my movie array:
MovArr = nan(ceil(VidObj.Height/space_dsFac),ceil(VidObj.Width/space_dsFac),ceil(nVidFrames/temp_dsFac));
count = 0;
for frame = 1:temp_dsFac:nVidFrames
%imageData = double(read(VidObj,frame));
imageData = uint8(read(VidObj,frame));
imageDs = imageData(1:space_dsFac:end,1:space_dsFac:end,1);
count = count+1;
MovArr(:,:,count) = imageDs;
multiWaitbar('Extracting video frames...', frame/nVidFrames);
I'm just hoping to learn some tips and tricks for making this faster

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