Confusion in matrix multiplication and dimensions

42 views (last 30 days)
Dear all, this is the least beautiful representation of a signal in dB that I have ever seen) Does anybody know for to fix it?
The first graph is the same spectrum but
UPD: This was due to a typo in matrix multiplication... Check dimensions first....

Accepted Answer

Star Strider
Star Strider on 25 Nov 2024 at 20:02
Since there are several signals in the matrix being plotted, one option would be to plot them in 3D instead. Those optioons could include surf, waterfall, ribbon, and plot3.
Sergei 20 minutes ago
Edited: Sergei 13 minutes ago
I figured out the spectrum normalized was in reality a matrix, not a vector, exactly as you have said! It was due to a transposed by mistake matrix in multipllication by which the spectrum_normalized was obtained.
Thank you for your answers and explanations! Sorry for the confusion... Checking dimensions matters, I consider it as a lesson.
Star Strider
Star Strider 16 minutes ago
As always, my pleasure!
No worries! I have confronted the same sort of problem in the past, that being the reason I saw it here.

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