Any demo videos in MATLAB??

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Ashwini on 14 Sep 2015
Answered: Dinesh Iyer on 15 Sep 2015
i want to work on videos using MATLAB. Just like having, cameraman.tiff images in MATLAB as pre-packed ones, are there any videos to work with. If not where can I download.???

Answers (2)

Dinesh Iyer
Dinesh Iyer on 15 Sep 2015
MATLAB ships two files called xylophone.mp4 and xylophone.mpg.
If you have the Computer Vision System Toolbox, there are a bunch of videos that ship as part of this toolbox. The videos can be found at matlabroot/toolbox/vision/visiondata
In addition to MATLAB, the internet is a treasure trove of data that u can download and use. Make sure you abide by the copyright.

Image Analyst
Image Analyst on 14 Sep 2015
Yes. Find them using this code:
>> folder = fileparts(which('cameraman.tif'))
folder =
C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2015b\toolbox\images\imdata
There is rhinos.avi and traffic.avi.


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