Split 837 x 2 matrix into smaller n x 2 matrices

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I have an 837 x 2 matrix with in the first column time, and in the second column some other values. I would like to split the matrix based on the difference between the time values in the first column.
For example: If you have this matrix:
A = [3 78; 6 52; 9 63; 300 123; 303 143; 306 107; 600 503]
I would like to split it between 9 and 300 and 306 and 600. So lets say if the difference in the first column is bigger than 50. So that i get those matrices out of it:
B = [3 78; 6 52; 9 63] C = [300 123; 303 143; 306 107] D = [600 503]
I already know how to calculate differences between them, now i only need to know how to split the matrices this way.
Thanks for the help!

Accepted Answer

Matt J
Matt J on 17 Sep 2015
Edited: Matt J on 17 Sep 2015
A = [3 78; 6 52; 9 63; 300 123; 303 143; 306 107; 600 503]
>> [B,C,D]=deal(Acell{:})
B =
3 78
6 52
9 63
C =
300 123
303 143
306 107
D =
600 503

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